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hood 32 maglaughlin


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winter projects got to love them,did the brakes that was a big job now the hood,i have heard the american buick was black in the engine bay ,this one was definnatly green,need a latch handle,and maybe some advise on all the rivets i just drilled outpost-77793-14314290789_thumb.jpg



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It's not surprising to see the green engines in 32 Buicks. Other years used the green and some suppliers in the past listed the green for 1932. The chrome center hood strip is available from Mac Blair. I may have a spare hood latch if you end up needing one. On the rivets, you can source the original style or you can buy the threaded ones that have the correct head on them. It's a pain to peen the rivets and get them tight fitting, but it is correct that way. If you are not concerned about the rivets because they are on the inside of the hood, the threaded ones work very nicely. Big Flats Rivets is a good source for your rivets and Restoration Supply Company has the threaded rivets. I have a word file of engine parts and their proper finish of Semi flat, semi gloss and gloss finish. Send me a PM if your want the document. The only color under the hood is brass tubing, unfinished steel and cast iron. Even the firewall was painted black.

Bob Engle

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It's possible that the car was repainted and the firewall was not over painted in black. The original cars look like the firewall was brush painted over the original body color and the edges are not a sharp paint line. The Canadian Buicks may have been done differently. I'll search my parts bins for the hood handle.

Bob Engle

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