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marvel heat riser

Guest heimweh

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This is a problem on the Hudson Marvel riser as well.

This is what most of us do,

- The heat tube, if original, will have a seam running down its lenght. With a sharp chissel, pry open the seam then you can chase the seam down with a long strong screw driver, collapsing the heat tube within it's self and remove.

-clean up the hole with a wooden dowel with sandpaper on it, mic the hole and find the proper thin wall pipe to replace. It needs to be a good fit, taped in with a dead blow.

with the old tube removed you will want to remove as much of the built up carbon and gunk that is in the riser chamber before you put in the new tube.

Next you will want to make a thin stainless steel plate that covers the exhaust to riser hole. This will stop the hot exhaust from getting in to your heat riser and end your cracking problems.

With todays gas, we want cold air, not hot air. Depending on where you live, you may get some carb iceing untill it is properly warmed up.

Hope this helps and gets you on the road.

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