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Need more advice for 55 322 engine O/H....


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Front main....I tossed the shedder, JUST found out I needed to reuse the metal part....What is the best way to install new rope seal into this thing...I have a nother cover, Do I need to reuse the circular spring which fits into it also???? Who is the BEST place to get an oil pump from...I dont wanna tear this sucker apart again cause of a bad pump....What does a pump kit consist of... engine had good pres. b4 teardown, Could I kit my original or what....Which is best road to take...Drop me an Email @ dlw29@hotmail.com<P> Thanks, Don <P> PS, Anyone got a good used set of pushrods for 56??? was told they are shorter than 55 rods(building a 55 w/56 cam/lifters) Buick Specialist catalog says 53-56 or so are the same.....BEWARE...There is about a 1/4 inch difference in length!!!! Master parts book also says 55 is different number than 56....Food for thought!!

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Don<BR>On the rope seals: front use the whole seal as supplied, tap in the retainer most of the way while the balancer is in place in the front cover remopve the balancer and tap in the rest of the way....be sure the balancer will fit into a well lubricated seal before you finish tightening the front cover in place; rear seals are trimmed flush after working well into the grooves in the block and maim bearing cap(some rear seals are nylon cloth with fiber glass core and are very hard to trim). This is usually trial and error before and after you put the crank shaft in...when satisfied put in the side seals of the rear cap. The side seals are very important and are a source of massive leaks if not installed correctely. Some gasket sets have cork seals that are too large and crumbly( throw these away) others may have rubber with pins...just pay attention. With the rubber and pin seals I use a tiny amount of silicone sealer on the end and some anaerobic sealer on the clamping surface of the main cap. Otherwise I have used cotton string soaked in #2 permatex and stuffed with a hammer and nail into the groove...very messy but never failed.<BR>On the oil pump..new will not be available and sometimes the kits are hard to find...check yours, if not scored pitted or grooved and tolerances are OK (You may have to resurface the cover plate) go ahead and reuse it with no worries. Most low pressure problems are due to bearings too loose, esp cam bearings.<BR>Good luck, Willie

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