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Looking for 1925 Buick 25 history


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I just purchaced a 1925 Buick model 25 standard touring. I would like to see if I can find out some history on the car. That was the great thing about the 1923 model54 we attempted to buy in Vermont was that it had a good history. If only it ran a little!

All I got from the former owner was that he bought it about 10 years ago from

a man who was ill, supposidly from Wisconsin. The deal was also to include a spare engine and other spare parts(including the missing spark plug cover).

The car was shipped without the extras, the seller died and the rest was tied up in the estate. The fellow I bought it from had since shredded all the old corespondence and could not remember the deceased man's name.

So any one out there remember any one having a 1925 model 25 see the pictures above in my post; burgandy body late 60s color; tan 60s covertible top material; black vinyl upholstery; Dunlop blackwalls (their condition idicate possibly from the mid 70s) and black wheels. I would like to find some leads.

I have pictures posted on the Buick Pre War site "Arrival of the Driver Buick"

Larry<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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