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Rust Removal

Guest Jim_Edwards

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Guest Jim_Edwards

Recently we had a lengthy thread on removing rust with molasses and someone made reference to a commercial product that has proven to be effective in rust removal. With that in mind last night I did an experiment using a very rusty bolt and a product we can all buy at a local grocery store. The product CLR.

I took a clear glass container and poured about 2 oz. of CLR into it and then dropped the bolt into the container. I let it set overnight and to my surprise some ten or so hours later the bolt was clean as could be. All the rust gone. Looked like a brand new bolt. In the bottom of the glass container were rust particles which had come from the bolt. There is no question that CLR effectively removes rust. Next I'm going to try a larger piece that will be in a tub and bathed by CLR flowing over it via a fish tank pump and a bit of tubing.


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Guest 38cadillacjack

clr, stands for calcium lime rust,i use it on chrome stainless,and other stuff.if you take a piece of chrome that looks bad grundgy,let this stuff set on it a few minutes,then rinse you will see totally different shine.never tried it on parts still on car.been using it on a 56 premiere to clean parts,makes it cheaper at the chrome shop they dont look like they need as much work.;)wife uses it all the time,even in coffee pot.course she rinses it!have fun,be safe

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Guest Jim_Edwards
What is CLR? I've never seen it in supermarkets around here.

It should be found around the same shelf area with various household and bathroom cleaning products. If not in the grocery stores try that same section in a Wal*Mart store.


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