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I need an answer


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I wanted to know if anyone can tell the Model to this car I found... it is a 1960 Plymouth I know that it is a push button and it has wings in the back...if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.<BR>thanx

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Tania,<BR>Plymouth made the following models in 1960:<P>-Valient (probably not your car if yours has wings)<BR>-Savoy<BR>-Belvedere<BR>-Fury<P>Should be easy to identify as one of the names above should be somewhere on your car.<P>Peter<p>[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: peterg ]

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Guest Dave Mills

The Savoy model for 1960 has no side markings for that model. If the car is a Belvedere it will have a nameplate on the front fender behind the headlight saying Belvedere. If it is a Fury it will be marked in the same way as the Belvedere. The fin markings are different on all three models also to distinguish them. The Savoy has one ornament on the fin side, the Belvedere has three ornaments on each fin, and the Fury has a single round emblem on the fin.

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I just wanted to say thanx...I found out it is a 1960 Plymouth Savoy...the only problem now is getting the money to restore it...thanx so much...<BR>Tania

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