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Buying a 1949 Plymouth via internet from Pride Autoplaza of Derby Kansas for $3900.00


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Dear Group<P>I saw a 1949 Plymouth for sale at a place called Pride Autoplaza located in Derby Kansas. Their owner, Charles Carver quoted me a price of $3900.00 as posted in his website of <A HREF="http://www.prideautoplaza.com" TARGET=_blank>http://www.prideautoplaza.com</A> I contacted my local Chapter (The Chesapeak Chapter of the AACA located in Baltimore MD) and our Chapter President suggested I ask here to see what you all think. Is this car for real? Is there any hidden faults? Is this place for real? The address there is: Pride Autoplaza, 228 N. Baltimore (K15), Derby Kansas, 67037. (316)788-2898. I did check them on the local Kansas BBB listing, and they have no listing with them. I was also wondering if anybody from the Wichita Kansas area sees this posting, could you let me know if this place is for real, and maybe see the car? Any input would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading this!! Rich W of Gaithersburg MD confused.gif" border="0<P>[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: mustangrichew ]<p>[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: mustangrichew ]

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Rich -<BR>Caveat emptor is the most basic rule in car buying. If you can't get out to KC to personally inspect and drive the car you would be buying it based on someone else's opinion of value and condition. It would be a safer long distance purchase if it was a recent AACA First Junior appropriatly priced. smile.gif" border="0

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I live close by Derby Kansas and I know the place your talkn about. I have not heard anything bad about the place. If you want me to go look at the car I would. The place has been around a while, always have very nice cars. Let me know.

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Clutch Olds...<P>Great post!! This is the kind of assistance to fellow hobbyist that is invaluable for preservation of these old autos no matter what club one belongs to.

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Thank you Group, espically to Cluth Olds who vouched for Pride Autoplaza, and offered to check the car out. grin.gif" border="0 !! I thought Charles Carver of Pride Autoplaza sounded honest, now I feel confident about that now! I look forward to getting and preserving this car soon! Thanks again all! grin.gif" border="0 Rich Woodward of Gaithersburg MD

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