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How should I bleed Hydraulic Windows

Guest tomw51

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I just installed new window lifts on my 46 Lincoln Continenal. I converveted to ATF and I know the lines are totally empty as I blew out the old brake fluid and ceaned with alcohol, and blew that out too. I hear the lifts clicking and the Hydraulic pump seems strong but no windows going up. I figure do to line filled with air. What is the best way to bleed as I guest this is the problem. I thought of disconnecting the drivers side hydraulic line at the lifter and pump til fluid comes out, and then connect and do the same to the other side. Then check the fluid resevoir. Now both windows are down. Is that what I need to do ?

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Normally you shouldn't have to "bleed" the system. You can crack open the fitting on the right lift cylinder ( longest line) and run the pump. You should get fluid leaking there after a couple of seconds with the pump running. No fluid leaking means you have a blockage or the pump has lost it's prime. Did you check the hose from the pump to the bulkhead fitting on the firewall? The hydraulic system being a "flowing" system isn't usually affected by air. When the pump is pressurizing it will have a distinctive "groan".

Edited by peecher (see edit history)
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Peecher what do you mean check the hose on the firewall ? If the Pump lost its prime, then how do I take care of that ? I will try disconnecting the longest hose first and see what happens. I Have new lines and lifts so I hope its not blocked.

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Not sure what all you've done? Was the pump and window system functioning before you changed the fluid and lift cylinders? You stated that you cleaned out the lines so I guess that inludes the hose from the pump? If you are satisfied that all the lines and hoses are clear the problem could well be with the pump. If the pump does not pump any fluid when activated I suspect the relief valve is probably stuck or the port plate under the pump gears is out of place. You might be able to isolate the problem by diconnecting the hose from the pump, make sure you have fluid in the reservoir and activate the pump to make sure the pump itself is pumping fluid. Good luck.

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Peecher I disconnected the pump line from the firewall and no fluid comes out at all when activated. It did pump before when I cleaned it, and it stayed idle without fluid for about two weeks, after flushed out with alcohol. Now the resevoir is filled with ATF to line in the bail, and nothing comes out. If the relief valve is stuck how do I access that, or adjust the port plate. I did notice a large nut on the fender side of the pump, is this some kind of adjustment?

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The nut with several copper washers behind it is the pressure adjustment set at the factory. It retains a spring that puts tension on the relief valve. If the pump was pumping fluid when you cleaned it it may just need priming at this point. The combination of the alcohol flush and sitting "dry" for a while may have caused this? I think I would first try back feeding some ATF thru the output hose into the pump. This will put a film of oil in the chamber with the pump gears and then activate the pump momentarily. Hopefully the pump will prime after a couple of tries. I think I would reconnect the hose to the firewall fitting to keep the mess to a minimun before activating the pump. When the pump is primed and pumping one hellava squirt will come out of the hose.

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Thanks Peecher the Pump works like a charm and the Window lift zoomed to the top. I believe the port plate under the pump gear might have move, and the tab on the port plate I made sure was in the notch. While I had the pump geer out I cleaned corrosion on it, and on the walls of the casing where the the ring the pump geer meshing with. Once I cleaned I put in some ATF in the geer chamber and screwed on the cover. Once connected watched the new window lift raise to the top. Thanks for your precise advice it worked great !

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