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Urgent Sale of Convertable Skylark


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Guest 70 Electra

Well, at least you've listed the price....<P>Did you see list of OTHER required content for posting an ad? You're missing a lot of information that could be delaying your "urgent" need to sell.<P>By the way, while I'm nit-picking, "convertible" ends in IBLE, not ABLE.

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Well it's nice to see we have a registered spell checker online here. Why don't you do everyone a favor here Greg and stop nit picking everything. By the way I think you can drop the erill off of your last name while we're spell checking. I think it fits better anyway.

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I hardly think you have the right to say anything Mr. Unregistered User. A fitting name btw, Buster.. Everyone I've ever known as "Buster" has been a total schmuck. Guess things never change...<P>You should read over past "for sale" ads and see how information defunct they really are before going after someone for no reason, and insulting him to boot.<P>Make a mock new thread and read all the info at the top, it was added there for people who lack ad writing skills. Maybe they should add a lameass disclaimer when starting new threads under other topics to avoid people like yourself.<P><BR>-Registered User

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Cyberbuick. I took your advice and read both ads over. If you notice in the ad the seller includes his phone number. I would think that anyone who wanted the information on the car (or wanted to give a spelling test over the phone) would just call and ask. Maybe even without the help of someone as high and mighty as you and Cockerill. I guess the hobby would just fold up and die without smart guys like you. wink.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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And if you've got something to say, at LEAST have the courage to come out from behind your cloak of anonymity!<P>My guess is you ARE registered, and are just afraid to put you name to what you say! rolleyes.gif" border="0

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How interesting!!!!!!!!<BR>I go by the name Busterwive, so already I'm a bad guy. I'm registered, but probably won't be for long. You are sssssssssssoooooooooo critical of all people not familiar with this site, and you are so far superior to unregistered posters, that we should not ever bother to post on your sterile website. Those of us total humans will certainly try to avoid any contact with all of you of superior intellect. I have found most of you to be the kind to try and talk me down from a $20.00 part to $10.00 AND I pay the shipping and by the way, why don't I deliver it and install it for that much. I don't know where you come from, but I will continue to disassociate myself from from such anal retentive hobbyists, because you make sure it's not fun. Have a good time with your chalk, numbers matching, format demand website. I'm out of here!!!

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Okay, I removed my previous post because after I cooled down a bit I did go overboard. Something I can do quite easily on the subject of being made fun of. Most likely due to being the target of everyone growing up.<P>People take things each in their own way, thus the world revolves and everyone's different. I don't force my opinion on anyone, I write what I think based on my view and nobody else's. Anyone has the right to take it or leave it. The same goes for anyone else's view. To think that anybody is anal based on his/her viewpoint on one thing is foolish. Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions, each comes from a different background which can make it right, wrong or indifferent in his/her own view.<P>The main thing I believe we were trying to get across to "Buster", was his blatant attack on valid post. The main pisser I believe was while doing so, he failed to mention who he was. If your going to start a fire, you should at least pony up for it.<P>I don't know of anyone who enjoys being made fun of, especially on something he/she can't or doesn't wish to change such as a name. Greg probably took enough wise cracks growing up, there's no sense for other adults to make fun of such childish things.<P>With regards to you busterwive, as I said, it was not aimed at the name, but the act and how he did it. I should have left that thought out altogether. I do know you've helped many people, and they're always glad to get help, as is everyone. The open forum is good to get and give help to others, but every now and then, you always have the sour apple. Chewing down prices like that; I think it's like a garage sale in a way. You write $5 on something and they walk up and say, "Will ya take $X for it?" What a lot of people miss with those types of things is, your the one with the item, and if they want it bad enough, they'll pay your price. If not, then there's always someone else who will come in and pay it. A nice thing about the 'net is Auction houses. If you don't find anyone willing to pay your price on one forum, auction it off to the world. Sometimes you get more then you wanted for any given item.<P>In closing, I apologize to everyone who was offended, it wasn't aimed at a name, but more the premise. I have found many friendly people here willing to give and accept help from others. It's a good forum for which has flaws in the framework, but overall good people. I will refrain from replying to posters like that as the outcome is never good and I can only add to the fire. I will hope that busterwive will understand me at least in part and not leave. We need more friends and less enemies in the world.<P>Sincerely,<P>Scott

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You need to understand that I am more than happy to help anyone find the parts they need and happen to live in an area where we have lots of rust free parts available. To totally dust someone who did not post EXACTLY the way, or with all the info you want, is not very productive. Had you responded to my post that way, I would have certainly told you to "bite me", and I have done basically that to a couple of you. I moved here from the rust belt, and it bothers me to see rust free parts crushed for $20.00 a ton, when it could help others in other areas with their restorations. I guess what I'm trying to say is lighten up, or newcomers will be turned off completely and the hobby will die. Think about this before you dust a poster for his incomplete info. Good nite.

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Guest Roadmaster

If it is so urgent to sell, and you have pictures online, give people the web site to see the pictures. Must not be to urgent! I have also ,on a bad day,been short about my comments and snippy about info etc, but we all have these. Deal with it, and whoever is trying urgently to sell the car, put the pictures out for people to look at. I'm looking for a good buy on a Skylark or GS but I'm not going to call each person that is selling one,just to get online picture location. That seem's crazy, in my opinion. And yes, save the parts don't crush them. I'm out!!! wink.gif" border="0

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Everyone is entitled to post his/her opinion on a message board. After all we DO have the constitutional right to free speech. If you don't like what a certain person is saying, the UBB does have an "ignore" option in your profile.<P>If someone is interested in a car they have the right to complain if the post is incomplete, for it is an inconvenience to have to track down missing information. As far as the Skylark seller, I could care less how he advertises or if he sells his car at all. If the info is incomplete, it's up to the administrator whether she wants to delete the post or not.<P>What I do have a problem with is when someone has to attack someone by making fun of his name (what are we, in 2nd grade?!) rolleyes.gif" border="0 just because he doesn't agree with what he has to say. <P>Finally, if you are afraid to put your name to whatever you are saying, it probably isn't worth saying to begin with. smile.gif" border="0

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Well guys, It's time to shape up or ship out, the top of the page suggests things that should be included in advertising, not everyone new to the site will read it and that's obvious, but it seems to be a problem on the internet no matter what ads you look at, Hemmings, Auto Trader, Ebay, etc. I think it's a carryover from having to pay by the word in the printed matter we are all so used too! So deal with it an a more sophisitcated manner instead of individual attacks on each other! Ask the questions here or by email to the posting individual, I know we all get frustrated with not getting all the information here, but life is too short to be so nasty to potential new friends and Buick Club members, Straighten up or else! The Management! grin.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0<p>[ 09-26-2001: Message edited by: BUICK RACER ]

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Guest John Chapman

For those that can use it, if an ad has a phone number, you can decode the location of the area code quickly at:<P> <A HREF="http://decoder.americom.com/cgi-bin/decoder.cgi" TARGET=_blank>http://decoder.americom.com/cgi-bin/decoder.cgi</A> <P>Or, you can go full bore and use the reverese directories at:<P> <A HREF="http://www.freeality.com/findet.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.freeality.com/findet.htm</A> <P><BR>No guarantee that's where the car is... but it's better than nothing....<P>Cheers,<BR>JMC<p>[ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: John Chapman ]

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