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Old Buick Provenance


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I am looking for sources of provenance for my '39 Limited. I have communicated with Dave Corbin and he has kindly provided information as to probable date of manufacture for the engine and car. I also contacted the General Motors Heritage Center and the GM Media Archive. Imagine my shock when I was told that they do not have any records for cars earlier than the 1970's (except for Cadillacs). So I am turning to the members here for some other possible sources of information.

I am at least the third owner of the car and do not have the original bill of sale. The car was registered in New York in 1955 and again in 1974/75; I acquired it from a collector in Pennsylvania. According to a lubrication tag on the car, it was serviced in New York at a dealer that no longer exists at the specified address. Other than that the trail is cold.

I would appreciate any assistance in obtaining information on the history of my car from those who have gone down similar paths.

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A 1939 Limited is an extremely rare car. I don't think you are going to get anything from government registration offices for registrations that long ago. Why don't you write up what you know about the car, names of towns & past owners, etc., photograph the car inside and out, and let's run an article in the Buick Bugle magazine about it.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Bugle Editor

Sherman, TX

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