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Source for a shock link spring for a 1930 Model 68.


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Hello everyone,

While removing the shocks from my 1930 Model 68, I discovered that one of the shock links has a broken spring in the upper end that attaches to the shock lever. It is 3/4" long by 3/4" in diameter. The thickness of the coils look to be about 1/8" thick. It appears to be a pretty stiff little spring as it has considerable weight to support when the shock lever is in motion. Does anyone have one of these springs available or can you suggest a source for the spring? I would buy the entire shock link if necessary.



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Thanks for the tip. Last night I searched the internet for spring manufacturers / retailers and was able to locate a source for a comparable compression spring based on size, wire diameter, and number of coils. I think it should work OK, but it was an expensive little devil. Came to $50 with shipping for a spring that probably cost about a buck to make.


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