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A few pics of where the Friday Night Cruise to Jewell Night will be in July

I recall a letter from a member complaining that Iowa can be miserable in July (referring to Nationals in July). I replied saying "after living here for 50 plus years I concur it is a miserable place ". That seemed to make him happy.

Well, January isn't much better. I don't ever recall a "white out" on Main St (note pics taken today).

Looks like a great place to have 500 of your closest Buick friends for Music, Food and Fun.

Note a few landmarks I hope the scenery is better in July.



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Well, at least the natives should have shed the parkas by then :D

Years ago we had relatives from that part of the world come for a visit - it was either July or August...one of the women stayed home because she didn't want to go where there was snow (central Saskatchewan). Funny how much wheat you can grow in those snowy fields :rolleyes:

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