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'52 roadmaster pictures needed


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I need to redo some wiring etc. and need som detail pictures of how the harness and vacuum tubing is drawn through the firewall.

Also pictures of how the harness is routed down the airduct or down to the solenoid would be nice.

Can anybody help?



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Sorry, I have been away from the site for a bit. I will be out where my '52 RM is tomorrow morning. The hood is covered and it may be a bit of grief to get at the hood latches, but I'll try to make time to uncover and get at it. For now though, I'll see if I have something.


This is from my web page. All the photos of this car are on another computer.

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Here we go...it is almost hard to believe I bought this car 7.5 years ago. The kids were in some of the photos and they really have grown (2, 4, 6 to 9, 11, and 13). It's a bit dirty, but hopefully this helps out. If you need something a bit higher resolution, it will have to wait until photos are taken with a newer digital camera.

This was the first car I ever drove to a show...that was nice. Unfortunately, it has been in storage pretty much since then. At last attempt, it would crank fine, but not fire. That's not all that surprising, I guess.



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