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Someone in a post here on this board was looking for my email address. I did not provide it in my signature which applies automatically to my posts.<P>What I did provide was my BCA # of 2549, which indicates I have been a BCA member since 1973 (small number = long-time member). I did this to show that I am not a fly-by-night, here today/gone tomorrow fast-buck artist. I would have been kicked out of the BCA long ago, if I was playing games. I have been selling NOS and used Buick parts since 1974, just as long as Glenn at CARS has, and longer than Richard at the Buick Farm.<P>Had this person looking for my email address been a BCA member, he would have had a Roster, in which he can look up my real address. I don't have my Roster in front of me now, but if I remember right, my phone number is also listed in the roster. If it's not, from my real address, Information can give him my phone number - it is listed, and I have nothing to hide. Not everything nowadays MUST be done on the Internet. You don't really need a part for a collector car SOOO bad that you can't wait a few hours until a phone can be answered. (And, by the way, how many of you people can actually answer a phone on the 3rd ring? I can't even get to my cell phone in my pocket that fast sometimes... I'd like to shoot whatever idiot that thought all answering machines should catch a call at 4 rings, so that everyone hangs up after no answer on 3 rings).<P>The reason for all this is to point out another of the benefits of BCA membership - that of being able to get in touch with other people who have cars or parts that can help you out with your own project. I have advertised most months in the Bugle for the last 8 years. <P>I also get many calls from BCA members for parts that are of a certain rarity, that my best advice to callers is to go through the Roster and contact other owners of the same model to see if they have any spares. There are some parts that I know exist, but most have been gobbled up years ago as spares by owners, and the liklihood of a dealer like me, or Glenn at CARS or Richard at the Buick Farm, or Bob finding one in this day and age is almost nil.<P>Another benefit to BCA membership from my standpoint is that while I do my best for everyone, I will always go that extra mile for someone who is in the BCA, versus a non-BCA customer. Joining the club shows me that this is a person who is serious about his car, and is willing to learn something about the marque as well as his car. He is less likely to be a person just trying to quickly slap a part on a car to unload it to make a fast buck.<P>Roberta, I know this probably should have been posted on the General Forum, but I think it's important for people who just look here in this section to consider some of this info. The more plugs for the BCA, the better. By the way, I did give that man my email address, just before I posted this. I don't have an objection to him having it.<P>Someday I may post a topic like "Top 10 Ways to Get on the Good Side of A Parts Vendor", (subtitled) "How to get someone to really help you find your parts, not just blow you off". There is a lot of noise everywhere about how customers are treated, but just remember, guys, there's two sides to every story. Sometimes there's a reason for the type of response you get.<P>dmva@altavista.com<P>------------------<BR>Dan Myers<BR>DM Vintage Automotive<BR>BCA #2549

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Bravo!<P>You have expressed the same sentiments we have had regarding non-joiners and non-members who post on the Reatta Discussion Board who expect the service for free and not be required to join the BCA and the Reatta Division, BCA.<P>While many Reatta owners are just drivers trying to keep the car going there are collectors who have the same concerns as the drivers.<P>The Reatta Division, BCA can be the organization and club to represent and be of service to all Reatta owners.<P>------------------<BR>Marc Brouillette<BR>Newsletter Editor<BR>Reatta Division<BR>Buick Club of America<P>Member:<BR>Buick Club of America #12340<BR>Reatta Division, BCA #213<BR>Minuteman Chapter, BCA #83<BR>Central New England Chapter, BCA<BR>Chicagoland Chapter, BCA

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Dan, with all due respect, let me say a word on Tom's and my own behalf: first of all, Tom is a newcomer to Buicks just like me, but he haven't even started on his ride yet.<BR>I assure you, no one is trying to question or compromise your position.<BR>You must remember, there are a lot of foreign people on these internet forums. Like me for instance, I just found this forum a month ago. I dare to doubt if there was much benefit for me from joining the BCA (which I didn't even know to exist a while ago), being an American club. Then, many of us foreigners do not speak English as native language, so it's easier to read a reply to one's question than hear it over the phone. Moreover, we should make the phonecall during the night due to time difference. Anyway, I didn't have your phone number either, since I don't have the BCA roster. <BR>So, what you said is probably true as what comes to US citizens, but not necessarily for all. I'm hanging here because there's not too many 40's Buicks in Finland, but I happen to love them. So, please, don't be offended. We just wish to enjoy those great American cars and this great hobby.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Jyrki Pykari<BR>Finland

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Guest John Chapman

Dan/Marc,<P>I don't want to get into the relative merits of joining or not joining the BCA, the perception of someone getting something for nothing and vendor/customer relations.<P>I do have thoughts on the email address issue, though. As stated in Jyrki's post, there are those that do not have ready and inexpensive access to phones. There are also those that I've dealt with in my profession and in the Buick hobby that are in time zones that make voice contact at a reasonable hour a problem. In my mind, email is much easier to manage than voicemail, answering machines, etc.<BR>I've had problems (we see them here in the forum, too) with a lack of information from correspondents. In my business dealings, I handled that with a simple form letter response (electronic stationary) sent back to the sender. If they're interested they'll provided the info you need to help solve their problem, if not, you've spent maybe 20 seconds responding to them.<P>Adding your email address to your signature has the potential to broaden your customer base. Discounts/select attention for members can be handled simply by asking for a member number and verifying with the roster. Abusers and cranks can be filtered to 'read later' or 'discard on receipt' files.<P>Thanks for listening to my two bytes worth.<P>Cheers,<BR>John<P>------------------<BR>John Chapman<BR>BCA 35894<BR>1965 Skylark Convertible (Some Assembly Required)<BR> jmchapman@aol.com

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I've been a member for about a year and I still have not seen a roster or list of members. I moved in the summer and had all my mail forwarded and sent in two changes of address to BCA. I did not receive several, approximately 4, issues of the club magazine (The Bugle) during that time, however got every other mag I subscribe to. When I finally e-mailed the "correct" Bugle folks and tried to explain my loss, it fell on unsympathetic ears. All I got was, "You can purchase the ones you missed out on, as it says (in fine print), we will not replace lost or unreceived Bugles." My list of members was probably sent with one of those lost Bugles.<BR> I LOVE BUICKS, especially the late 50's! I am learning as I go along, I need help and inexpensive resources. Everyone said to join the club and doors would open up. I've had some questions answered and e-mailed with some nice folks but I don't feel I've been embraced or welcomed by the club. Maybe it's because I'm not rich or a mechanic. I'm just a working stiff with a family with good kids who seem to spend all of my spending money before I get it. I'd love to win the lottery somewhere and learn to be a grease monkey. I probably won't win a lottery but I am slowly learning a few mechanical things, bolt by bolt and busted knuckles (Ha Ha!). <BR>Just my whiney 2 cents...sorry. It was therapeutic though. Take it easy on us new folks and thanks to everyone who has been patient and helped me so far. <P>Thanks!<BR>Mike <P>------------------<BR>

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OUCH! Man Dan..I just saw this post about me. Wow! Sorry if I got you upset because my proto-call was not as it should be. If you will look farther down the list you will see some postings by me about registration. I have registered twice and gotten dropped twice. So now I just put REGISTERED behind my name. Guess that was the wrong thing to do also. <BR> Well heck now what to do....hmmmmm.I have learned a great deal here and have helped others I hope.<BR> Let me see...pissed off or..pass it off.Hmmmm<BR> Heck lifes too short to get irritated over this kind of stuff!!! I think I will enjoy this forum and help anyone that asks any question I can answer....Thanks for all the help guys and gals it is appreciated!<BR> Its good to be here!!<BR> Tom H REGISTERED!!!!!!!!!<BR>(and yes I own a Pontiac,Dodge and two Buicks and love em all!!)<BR>

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW!<P>What a plethora of information. This thread will help me a lot, because I'd really like to join the BCA, and get an old Buick (I already own a '94 - is that old enough?), but I have been concerned about parts/help availability.<P>I see a light at the end of the tunnel here, and will join (with my '94 for now).<P>I've owned Buicks since 1962 (a 1951 Roadmaster), and would really like to have one of the old timers.<P>Thanks, guys.<BR>Wayne Hansen<P>whansen902@aol.com

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Mike, <BR>Do not be too hard on the peole running the Buick Club office. They are probably over worked and have constraints on what they can do and can not do. Come to a Chapter meeting or to a Chapter car show and you will find out that there are more nice people there than you can count in a day. You will be welcome. The people are the club, not the office.

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Fred-<BR>I'll take you up on the invite. I'll be going to one of the local chapter meetings and check it out. Also, I believe in letting people know the good as well as the bad... so here's the GOOD: grin.gif Ken Liska (BCA Board of Directors) responded to my whining {my words} and said he would see what he could do about my missing Bugles shocked.gif. His response to my concerns is really appreciated and I wanted to let everyone to know. Thank you, Ken .....and Fred. cool.gif <P>------------------<BR>Mike Grosshans<BR> FFNitro@Netscape.Net <BR>303-755-2114<BR><B>BCA# 36411</B><BR><I>56' Special<BR>57' Special</I>

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