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1926 Engine/Carb problems

Ryan G

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Well... my car was running tonight but not good. I have a few more issues. First off thanks Dave for the past advice. Ran it several times cold/hot and there is VERY little blow by now! However, I could not get the car to start without choking it continually. It was running pretty smooth on the top end but would not idle down at all tonight without a little backfire in the manifold so I did not get to drive it...the carb heat appears to be stuck open and there is not an adjustment anymore in the car.

All of a sudden I think one of two things happened as the engine took off and went full rpm and I killed it...

Let me know what you think please: Either the throttle linkage in the column came apart somehow so there was no control and it went fast or the little backfires caused the butterfly in the heat riser to get stuck or break. The throttle will not move full motion to idle with the throttle lever or by forcing it with my hand??? Dont know where to go now!

Also: do all the fans throw oil all over the place? I put a few squirts in the fan oil chamber to quiet and it sprays some out..any way to seal those?? Thanks once again for any advice!! Ryan

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Whatever you do, don't force it, you will break somthing. The trottle should move easily and freely with very little effort. Usually one of the first things that I do is to be sure that the butterfly and throttle shaft move freely in the carburator and lubricate them before I ever attemp to start an old motor that has been sitting for a long time. You will need to also spray some WD40 or PB Blaster on all the linkage points to get it freed up and working smoothly. the only thing to be aware of is a friction block that would keep the throttle where you set it. Some times they rust up and need to be taken apart and cleaned. Also, there should be a return spring that keeps the butterfly in the carb in an idle position when the throttle is set at idle. It should be hooked to the throttle shaft lever. Also, you will need to get the carb heat freed up. It sounds like you may also have some dirt in the carb now as what you describe is caused by a lean fuel mixture on the idle side of things. Could also be out of adjustment and needs to be adjusted for more fuel or your electric fuel pump may also need a little more pressure too keep up with the demand for fuel.

Not sure on a 1926, but I belive the fan should have a grease cup on it and should be filled with grease instead of oil. smile.gif Dandy Dave!

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Thanks Dave! I lubed everything prior really well, had the marvel rebuilt, added a fuel filter, regulator, new 6v fuel pump, cleaned the tank and the line before I even attempted starting for the first time. The car was running much better earlier in the week on initial start(besides blow by) and it was actually idling down fine.

Last night, all of a sudden the engine took off to very high rpm and thankfully I immediately shut it off!!! Hopefully no damage?? Now I dont get the lower range on the throttle to even move to idle as something made it stick. I am NOT going to start it until i figure this out. The spring is there and fine however it will not allow the butterfly and armature to return all the way to idle. I definitely will not force it!! I think we will have to pull the carb again and see what is going on and maybe go up the column to make sure there is attachment to the throttle lever?? I dont know how I will free up the carb heat gate??? Really stuck!

Thanks for the input...its starting to get over my head!!! I guess it is over my head now! confused.gif I will try some greese in the fan! Ryan

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