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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: docfrahm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Very nice !!! Did you use soda? </div></div>

no, I have used soda b4 and this time I used garnet and it worked great! it also treated the rust as soda does not.

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Sorry for the late responce, computer isues I baught my garnet from a local blasting contractor and I paid $33.00 for a 50# bags you can purchase it on the net also at wwww.handsontools.com I used 60/80 grit and it worked terific. You can get it in course of fine grits, my experance was it far better than soda! and you can use a standerd blast pot you do not have to use a soda pot. there is plenty of info on line for garnet blasting

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