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Trunk Switch Wiring Question?


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Ok, all you Reatta Super Hero’s. Please rescue me from the Perils of my trunk switch wiring<P>Today I disassembled the taillight assembly to access the trunk lid key switch. I did this because the key would not open the trunk. I found the connector disconnected, which sounds like a simple enough fix, reconnect it and move on. Upon closer inspection I found 3 wires on one side of the connector and only 2 wires on the other (the key switch connector had only 2 wires) <P>On the Key Switch side of the connector, the Black wire was in the center slot (labeled ‘B’ on connector) and an Orange wire in slot ‘C’. (Slot ‘A’ was empty.) On the mating connector, again the Black wire was in the center slot (labeled ‘B’ on connector) and the Orange wires were in Slots ‘A’ & ‘C’. The ‘C’ prong was corroded away on this connector. (Which may explain why it was left disconnected.)<P>Soooo, Can somebody tell me why there are 3 wires on one side of the connector and only 2 wires on the other side? (It just seems odd to me)<P>Can I reconnect the switch to either Orange wire? <BR>(Wiring Black to Black and Orange to either of the other two Orange Wires seems to work. Hooked up either way cycles the trunk solenoid.) <P>Also, If I turn the key to open the trunk and leave it turned the trunk solenoid cycles about every 10 seconds or so. Is this normal or is the switch bad? <P>I also tried pressing and leaving depressed the trunk push button in the glove box, when left depressed the trunk solenoid again cycled every 10 seconds or so. Is this the way it’s supposed to work? <BR>Or …<BR>Is this an indication my trunk relay is shot and needs to be replaced? <BR>(I am using wiring diagram on page 8A-134-2 in the service manual but I sometimes have trouble translating the drawing in to what I see in the trunk)<P>There is no better Discussion Board on the planet. Thanks for always helping.<P>VR<BR>Bp

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Guest Brolliar

Hi, I can answer part of your question. I went out and checked my trunk key lock. If I turn the key and hold it the lock cycles about every five seconds. So i think the cycling is normal. Per the diagram in the manual there would be three wires connected at the connector but I have never had mine apart to look. I think Barney is the expert on the trunk lock.

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If someone had ask, I would have said there were two wires, but the manual shows three.<BR>Turns out that is because you can turn the key either way to make the circuit and unlock the trunk. It is possible that there is a jumper inside the connector.<P>To check the connection, two of the three terminals of the connector should be hot.<BR>When you turn the key, contact is made and the circuit is completed to send 12V to the trunk release relay.

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Thanks Again!!<BR>So its ok to align the connector to connect up to either of the 2 Orange wires on the other side - as long as the trunk solenoid cycles when the key is turned. Right?<P>You guys are so helpful! Cant wait to get that tail-light assembly back in. <P>Thanks Again<BR>VR<BR>bp

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