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AACA Library Seminar at the Annual Meeting

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The AACA Library & Research Center will be presenting a seminar in Philadelphia at the 2008 Annual Meeting on Friday, February 8. Entitled <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold">YOUR VEHICLE - AACA LIBRARY </span></span><span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold">AND AACA JUDGING</span></span>, this seminar will discuss how research will help with the restoration process and judging. Opening with an explanation of the merger with the AACA and the benefits for the Library and AACA members, the audience will learn how the Library is bringing automotive history and people together. Panel members include Sally Barnett, 2007 President of the AACA Library and a librarian, Jeff Lesher, a Past President of the AACA Library, Eric Marsh, a senior master judge and member of the National Awards Committee and Kim Miller, AACA Librarian. Fran Shore, 2007 Vice-President of the Library will serve as moderator. As this seminar occurs over the lunch hour, feel free to bring your boxed lunch to the seminar. We also encourage everyone to stop by the Library Booth in the Trade Show and say hello. (Kim Miller, Librarian)

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