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1930 Radiator shutters disconnected, thermostat missing?


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Dear All,

One last question for the weekend. The radiator shutters on my 733 sedan did not work when I bought the car. I decided to see why. Upon disassembly of the radiator, I found that the thermostat and linkage that operates the shutters are missing. The hole for the thermostat has a coverplate (see attached photos) Questions are:

1) Should I leave things as they are and just keep the vanes open? I live in Texas, so cold weather starting is not going to be an issue very often. Or, should I restore it to original condition. Car will not be judged, more than likely.

2) If I choose to restore, does anyone have any diagrams, photos, and/or clues as to how to proceed?

Thanks tons.

Best Regards,



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Guest imported_Speedster

If the thermostat is complete gone, I would leave the shutters open, and maybe get a chrome-grille-guard to hide the shutters from view.

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If you are restoring the car, you should obtain the parts and restore the operation of the shutters. The thermostat itself is readily available from quite a few sources. You'll have to find the Pines Winterfront thermostat cover which is cast iron as I remember, and the lever and rod to the shutters is rather self-explanatory and should be easy to make, even easier if you get someone to photograph theirs or loan you the parts. The only part that will take some searching is the Pines cover.

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Thank you all for your responses. The information on the type of thermostat/cover is going to be key, I think. For now (to get the car running) I am going to hold off on restoration and spend some time getting photos and parts. I would be extremely appreciative if anyone has photos/diagrams that would be useful.

As I start putting things back together, I will do my best to post photos and explanatory diagrams.

Thanks again,


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This is a reply to your subject from Ed Miller, a while bHowever, if your Pines Winterfront thermostat turns out not to function or functions improperly consider utilizing the services of Jim Otto, a retired engineer who worked for the company that originally built the units. He can rebuild and/or recalibrate the unit for you. I have found his work to be exemplary and reasonable in cost. His telephone number is 865-966-9494. Tell him Ed Miller referred you to him. Good luck. Jim Otto 865-966-9494 is a retired sylphon engineer. He rebuilds and calibrates both sylphon and winterfront bellows/shutter type thermostats. He's very reasonable and quick. He rebuilt and recalibrated my 1934 Packard thermostat.

perhaps it's of use to you, Johan

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