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Everything posted by bruffsup

  1. I know the old man that had these parts took apart a 1926-7 Pierce Arrow but Iam not sure if this is the windshield from it. He was also a big Packard man amongst other brands. His father had a Huppmobile for which the only part I think i have identified is the camshaft according to the grandson.
  2. I like this. anyone know if it is a Stanley 10hp which is what my guess was as the owner was not around.
  3. If that's all they are worth I will hold on to it. I am sure it is gold plated as would be appropriate for Packard's golden anniversary.
  4. I just finished a 3 month cleanout of two buildings belonging to a 90 year old friend and lifetime Packard man. This gold key is one of 2 apparently nos which was found in his office. You can make an offer but as i have no idea of it's value maybe ebay would be more appropriate. I am in no rush and you can think it over for as long as you want and keep looking. in the meantime maybe more info will surface.
  5. It's a Marmon "speedster", mid twenties?
  6. that is one butt ugly car. my daughter says it would be perfect for Snoop Dog.
  7. prototype j2 ARDUN powered Allard!
  8. I love the frontal aspect of this Franklin
  9. BALLOT, SAY NO MORE <a href=" " title="P1200533 by Bruffsup, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4028/5079403743_67848e5cb1_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="P1200533" /></a>
  10. This was a stunner as well and sold quickly at the Dragone's tent.
  11. Here is my favourite of the thousands of cars. Can anyone tell me if this is all original or "patinated" What a beauty!!!
  12. I saw this car pictured on Hyman's site and dismissed it as an exercise gone wrong but seeing it in the early morning light I was impressed.
  14. I just heard a low keyed old time collector from Wisconsin, David Uhlhein ? passed. I remember a long ago conversation about a very early Harley amongst some killer cars.
  15. I wanted a Stutz at the auction but was outbid every time. The real bargains were the Franklins that went for peanuts.
  16. it has been identified. Read the thread! I am worried about legal repercussions or possibly worse as this is a major auction house . I have mixed feelings about this as I am happy for my friend if it is true this is a major score for him but it also casts a bad light on a company that I thought had impeccable credentials. That said, major auction houses are far from infallible, just look at the fraud and convictions with Christies and Soethebys in the 90's.
  17. my friend tells me he contacted the family and they say their father bought it brand new in 1957 and rarely drove it!!!
  18. Go to the back of the class Rusty. 7 figures is $1 million, 10 million is 8 figures! believe me if this car is the real deal it is $2 million plus, purchased for under 100K not very long ago !
  19. Great imagery there. Thanks for the anecdote. Now if I can just get that time machine working properly. Was that the yard that had the Bugatti Royale that was bought by the head of GM ? and is now in the Ford museum?
  20. I have told a friend who knows someone who works for this auction company. I am thinking they might want to cover this up as it may not bode well for them. which is why I am not saying anymore.
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