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Everything posted by toro_downunder

  1. Hi all, just received an email from John Kelsey telling me that TOA have changed their ISP and guess what YEHAAAAAAA!!!!! I can instantly access the TOA site once again <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> many thanks to Glen for sending that email alerting TOA of our plight. cheers from down under Frank Sikora TOA257
  2. Thanks Glenn <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  3. G'day from down under, just wondering how many TOA members have read these strings and know of others that have the same problem? please let me know or email me at oceandev@ncable.net.au thanks Frank TOA257
  4. Glen, has Bill Payne replied back to you yet? I and a few others would like to know what the good man can do for us outsiders, thanks Frank Sikora Australia
  5. Hi there, I live 40 minutes away from Melbourne, a place called Geelong. I really hope the good folk from this site can get the ball rolling for us. All I get is the news letter and not a cracker from anything else. cheers from down under TOA 257 Frank.
  6. G'day from Australia and welcome to the non accessable toro Owners group, I guess that makes 2 of us. Incase you havent read my posts further down, have a look cheers Frank TOA 257
  7. Its now Monday morning down here 8am to be exact, I just tried to access the toro site and guess what? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> The Dilema goes on cheers from down under Frank.
  8. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />Well Folks, a couple of hours ago, I received an email from the Toro Mail list about some second generation Toros. So I thought that I would try the Toronado Site and BANG I am in once again !! I accessed nearly everything on the site, except for the Toro list and the members section. I didn;t have a user name or password for the members section and found no threads as to where I could create a user name & password, I could only access a page where I can join TOA. I have also sent the word subscribe into every nook and cranny of the site and am waiting with abated breath to see if I might get lucky. I must point out that ages ago, after I received a similar email from the list, that also on that occassion, I found that i could access the Toro Site, but only for one day. Its as though I get a small window of access directly after I receive an email? I will see if I can still access the site after 24 hours have passed. The only other thing that strikes me as strange is that I am on the list but cannot access it?? anywayz, I will let you know what happennnnnns cheers from down under Frank Sikora TOA #257
  9. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />Well Folks, All my attempts to access the Toro site have got me no where, I am convinced that spam filters somewhere along the way, just dont accept my ISP address (ncable.net.au). I dont have a problem accessing anything on the net, accept the Toro site or any email attemps to anyone in charge of that site. As a last resort I will knock up a letter and send it by a carrier pigeon or snail mail, which I will do in the next couple of days. So thanks for the help trying to sort this out, if I ever get through I will let you good folks know and also what the problem was, cheers from down under Frank Sikora TOA #257 <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
  10. Well, guess what, my email to Mike Fredericks could not be delivered? must be a conspiracy HA!! I just received my july/august Vol 1 no 5 news letter, which I must say is very good and lots of colour pics. Maybe I should send a letter via snail mail? that should get to them. Are there any TOA members following these posts? signing off Stressed out Toro downunder Have a good day Frank.
  11. All the above numbers mean absolutely nothing to me!! Does anyone understand them? I did send a copy of this to Mike Fredericks personal email address, but havent received a reply (I hope he got it) ha cheers from down under. Frank
  12. -Here's a copy I received back from my ISP technical support. ---- Original Message ----- From: "James Blankley via RT" <techsupport@ncable.net.au> To: <oceandev@ncable.net.au> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:20 AM Subject: [rt.ncable.net.au #10564] Fw: just an update > Hi, > I am unable to load the site, > If I trace to the site I get request time outs which suggests it is a > problem out on the internet, all I can really suggest is you forward this > to your friend that can access the site and get him to forward this > trace on to the admin of the site > Regards > IT Helpdesk > Tracing route to srv01.pscginternet.com [] with TTL of 32: > 2 1ms 0ms 1ms gex-bdr-rc02.gex.ncable.net.au [] > 3 3ms 2ms 4ms > 4 3ms 3ms 2ms mel-core-p-01-gig216.powertel.net.au > [] > 5 149ms 213ms 217ms VLAN322.O3mlc76f05.optus.net.au [] > 6 175ms 176ms 175ms > 7 176ms 176ms 177ms > 8 177ms 177ms 177ms core-01-so-4-0-0-0.okld.twtelecom.net > [] > 9 * * * Request timed out. > 10 226ms 223ms 224ms hagg-02-ge-0-3-0-505.hsto.twtelecom.net > [] > 11 223ms 230ms 223ms 216-54-253-2.static.twtelecom.net [] > 12 224ms 226ms 232ms ivhou-207-218-245-29.ev1.net [] > 13 223ms 224ms 223ms ivhou-207-218-223-108.ev1.net [] > 14 * * * Request timed out. > 15 * * * Request timed out. > 16 * * * Request timed out. > 17 * * * Request timed out. > 18 * * > --James >
  13. No, after a few minutes, message saying "Page cannot be displayed" thanks Frank
  14. Update on my attemps at getting connected to the TOA home page www.toronado.org I asked a few friends to click onto the site, one of them got through but the other 2, who are with the same ISP as me, (ncable.net.au) could not. I have emailed customer support at Ncable, and asked them to please go through their Spam filters and anything else that might block transmission. I have also asked if they too could try and access the Toro site and I am awaiting a reply. One thing that might be of importance is the message that I receive each time my email has failed. It states that the message had "timed out" and also, I dont get any indication of my failed attempts at emailing until exactly 3 days later. As for my PC, I took it into the shop and got them to go through it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my settings?? Maybe TOA's ISP just doesn't like Ncable.net.au My dilema goes on, cheers from down under Frank Sikora #257 <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
  15. Hi again, thanks for the reply, I got onto a TOA member down here in Australia and they had no problem accessing the site. I am going to get another person to go through my pc and sort out the settings etc, its frustrating the crap out of me, as I used to access the TOA site without dramas. maybe I should go and learn about these godammmm putors ha cheers Frank
  16. Gr <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />eetings from down under again, does anyone know if the Toronado Owners [censored], TOA. is still up and running? I have been a paid up member of this group for nearly a year, and although I receive their newsletters by snail mail, I CANNOT access their home page, infact, I have used every email address from their newsletter and still come up against a brick wall!! I have even got other people with a different ISP to try and they too cannot get through. So my last conclusion is that the TOA has folded up? can anyone please shed some light on this great Mystery. <www.toronado.org> thanks in advance Frank Sikora TOA #257 Australia
  17. Hi All, whilst rebuilding my 455, I nearly created a problem which would have caused a drama with the lack of lubrication to the timing chain and also the mechanical fuel pump lever. Now being a chevy big block fanatic most of my life, I never gave much thought to lubrication as the chevy big block has holes allowing access oil from the lifter valley to run down into the timing chain cavity, also, some oil does weep out from the front cam shaft bearing and also, oil does wash up from the sump under heavy braking. The chev has cam tunnel end plugs which are removed for machine shop purposes, when rebuilding, you put new plugs in with a dob of lock tight, end of story. With the olds, you get new cam galley end plugs in a set of welsh plugs, but unlike the chev, the only lubrication the cam chain and fuel pump lever receives is from a very small hole in each of the end plugs, but the new plugs dont have holes!! so make sure you drill each plug before assembly same applys for the rear plug which lubricates the distributor shaft. Hope this is of some use to any one thinking about a rebuild cheers from down under Frank
  18. My name is Frank and I live down under in Australia, I have a couple of 68 Toronados and a 69 some where on the high seas making its way down here. I have joined this forum as I hope to benefit from it as well as contribute to it, A bit about myself, I am 49 years old, a marine mechanic & fibreglasser and a member of the Australian Coast Guard. I have built many performance cars and kit cars, did my fare share of drag racing, I also spend alot of time game fishing ( chasing Marlin & Tuna) Apart from the olds, I have a Suburban and a 2003 Harley. I do all my own work in house from engine rebuilds to metal fabrication to squirting some colour on what ever I have created. At the moment, the 68 toro is totally stripped and just the bare chassis sticking out from the firewall, I have just started the left to right hand drive conversion on it, I do have another 68 which is right hand drive but it is full of rust so I pulled it apart just for spares and believe me, spares in Australia just dont exist!! anyways thats my intro and here's lookin forward to some interesting topics cheers Frank.
  19. G'day from down under, I can relate to this as I have been trying to access the Toro list for nearly a year now and every attempt to "subscribe" has failed. I have paid a PC nerd to check out the settings on my pc and he says they are fine. I made contact with my ISP, they went through the system and said that none of their spam filters were blocking me. They did say that they thought the other ends ISP might have aggressive spam filters. I used to be able to access the TOA home page and now this too has become un accessable to me. I am a paid up member of TOA. I did receive an email from TOA a month back advising me of one of the members was sick, and on that same day I decided to click on the TOA home page and it came right up, but that was the only day I could access their site. does this sound strange, can anyone throw a light on this drama as trying to obtain info or parts way down here in Australia with a couple of 68 Toros is becoming a head ache cheers Frank.
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