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Earl B.

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Posts posted by Earl B.

  1. Bob, I know you're not belittleing the problem, nor is anyone else. I think this forum is a large part of why I went with a Buick instead of other early memories. If you'll look at some of my posts, you'll see I've made a few off the wall comments too. Of the things I'm missing, the one thing I have been able to hang on to is my sense of humor.

    One thing, will my driving the car hurt anything? I'm having a ball useing it as my driver!!! I do get some looks to be sure. I just keep a big ole smile on my face. I keep finding small problems, but they will be tended to in time...

  2. I appreciate the replies, but, do y'all realize how lost I am... Well, the snowball ain't got nothing on me!!!!! I've found one guy who may be able to help, but he wasn't there today. I'll call tomorrow. I'll print all this out and hopefully it will make sense to him.... I can handle the Studebaker and Packard, but this thing is just dang modern for me....:rolleyes:

    If you don't know what snowball I refer to, pm me and I'll tell you...

  3. When I try to take off from a stop, the motor revs as I push on the gas, but I go nowhere. At a point the transmission 'grabs' and off we go. If I push on the gas pedal hard, it grabs and off we go like lightening, but, I don't like to drive that way. If I put it in low, and I change gears while in motion, everything is fine.

    When I'm stopped, in drive and put it in low it KLUNKS and the car jerks (foot on brake). Also with a loud noise.

    Can anyone help? I'd like to be able to push on the gas pedal 'normally' and take off in a nice, elegant manner, not like Batman. Thanks in advance, B

  4. Well, the old girl is finally home... I brought her home Friday afternoon. The last problems to be solved were the flasher(thank you Mike for that tidbit) and the grounding on the front turn signals/park lights. CM called about 5 pm and said I could come get it if I wanted to.. IF I WANTED TO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? My stars above, I called a friend to take me out there, got my shoes on, and out the door. Needless to say, I did ride around for a while... a loooooong while.. Wonderful, and I thought the radio didn't work, and it does! There are still some things to tend to...as we all know how old cars are, but they will be tended to in time...Right now, it's drive time....

  5. Mr.Earl, I posted last night, and when I hit the reply button, it went to a can't find database page or something and all was lost, and could not reopen the site at all... Is someone asleep at the control panel? haha...

    I do appreciate the gift as I'm sure the car will! Progoofoff gave me a pair of NOS door edge guards. When I get the old girl all painted up, she'll shine like a new penny.. I think for now, I'll have you send them to me and when I do get it painted, send everythng to SMartin. I sent you a pm with my address. As far as the Karma, I do hope you get some, because I feel like I certainly have, and it's been such a week, I need some.. driver died, took it to a mechanic 35 miles away, left all my keys, got home, had to break in the house, have a new back door and lock on the way.. It's rained every day, so no garage work going on. The computer got a virus and the repairman was kind enough to fix it while I waited... 40 miles the other way to get that fixed and over $109 to get that going again.... I felt like my luck had turned around a little, the title came for the car, more below on that, and when I was in Fayetteville, I found 6 cents on the sidewalk. Now I can start the fund for getting the Buick painted!

    The title-- I hadn't written about this before because there was not much anyone could do. It was more of a wait and see thing.

    For anyone in a title state, you know the importance of this piece of paper. The last owner said he'd had the car for four years, but he'd never titled it to himself. I saw the old title. We went to Dobson, NC to get the paperwork done. The lady there said it couldn't be assigned to me. The title had to come back to the seller, and then to me. I found out later she was wrong, a reassignment could have been done. ( A little more paperwork and me paying my part of the fees.) Well, the state moves slowly, and it took about 3 weeks for it to go to the seller, and he sent it to me..unsigned.... It was useless as far as transferring to me. I had to send it back to him to get it signed and notarized. It finally came back to me after another couple of weeks, but is signed and notarized. When I called, it was..It's in the mail... It was mailed the 21st, came the 23rd. One of the clearest postmarks I've ever seen. It's taken over 7 weeks to get the title in my hands. Well, that's the end of that story, and the moral of it is.. Watch out for those little old ladies in the license plate agency. hahaha.....

  6. What I've wondered about, is when they go to sell a car, and they go for a ride, the prospective buyer never drives the car... What the hey is that about???? When I buy a car, I'm the one in the drivers seat doing the driving, not the seller.. Maybe it's because of the driveability Mopar cited, and it's a lousy driver.

    Is there some other reason the buyers don't drive the car? Is there some rule in Texas about the owner has to drive the car? I just can't help but wonder.......

  7. I often feel like the red headed stepchild at the car shows (not anything BCA related) just general shows. So it's always nice when people compliment the electra :)

    But Joseph, you have something the others don't....You've got class!!!

  8. Well, I went to check on baby today and the mechanic has been busy with other things. He has had a chance to take off the gas tank and check it out and the report is.....clean as a pin, so he just put it back on.

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