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Posts posted by Tacoma

  1. Who is going to the BCA National in Seattle and are you bringing your Reatta? What year,and Model.Do you plan staying longer and seeing more of the Great North West? If you'r driving what route are you taking? I hope we have a good turn out for our club.See you there.

    If you have any questions on the area let me know by PM. I'll do my best to answer them.

    Jerry Vaughan.

    PS: I think August 26th is our one day this year without rain.

  2. PVred90

    Thanks, Great photo. My wires still look too short to reach and your photo serves to confirm this. my next test will be to pull the front wires and measure them just as soon as I can figure out how to remove that black wire housing. My first thought is someone has shortened the original wires to better fit the new style coil.

  3. I can also get #1 wire in that piece but only if I use the Delco coil.Using the magnovox coil with 3 poles on the left prevents me from using that housing as they won't reach. I think they will reach only if I don't go thru that housing. Does anyone have all 3 gray Packard wires going thru the black housing to a magnovox coil or any coil with the poles on both sides, or are some or all of the 3 wires outside the housing?

  4. I have the original "numbered gray Packard" plug wires on my 90 vert. There is a black plastic housing attached to the valve cover at the front side of the engine in which 2 of the front side plug wires (#3 and #5) are housed as they connect from the front side engine plugs to the coil.The coil that is now on the car is a newer Delco type with all the posts on the right side.

    I want to put the original magnovax coil back on which has three posts on each side, but my prelimnary measurements tell me that these two wires will not be long enough to reach the left side posts if I would continue to run them through this black housing. What am I missing. Does anyone knot the original configuration or routing for these wires or is it possible the coil gets inverted in some way.

  5. Kdirk

    I purchased my first Reatta in 1994 (Red Conv for 1700K, 22K mi)and took it home in Florida. My wife had never seen one and as I drove in the driveway and parked, she came out the door and made such a fuss over it I made the mistake of giving her the keys to take it for a spin. I think I only got to drive it a few times since. So If your married, watch out. We sold it about 5 years later and I had not one bit of trouble with it.

    We purchased our second (Red Conv 45K mi) this past year. Took Amtrak from Seattle to Santa Barbara CA to pick it up and drove it back (1200 mi) without a hitch. This one I purchased for investment and week end sun fun which is as rare here as the Reatta itself.(I keep the Keys, Ha,Ha).

    You may whsh to wait awhile on buying and try to get out to the Buick Nationals this month(July 25th thru the 28th)Check the BCA web site for more show info. You will be able to see a few of the best in the country and I'm sure hitch a ride or drive one or more.Most of all you will be able to meet face to face some of the best Reatta experts in the countru. A number of members will be showing their Reattas and there are some special Reatta events planned. I feel the Reatta is the next generation great classic and will be well worth whatever level of dollars you invest either for fun, show or just as a daily driver. "TACOMA"

  6. As a retired Army Master Sergeant the 4th is one of my special holidays as the birth of this great nation where our colors never run and never will. Let the rockets red glair shine, but be safe. Enjoy this day and take a minute to say a small prayer for our armed forces who are standing watch and defending this our great United states of America. God Bless

  7. I'm beginning to notice some static from my left front speaker in my Sassy 90 vert and am thinking it may be time to replace all speakers. I'm not sure how many speakers or what type (Woofers/Twetters)there are. Can anyone give me some particulars on the original speaker system (IE: Delco, etc) and suggest some replacements (Mid range cost)Can't afford Bose. And also who does good installation at reasonable prices (a national chain) I live in the Seattle area. Also concerned about the speaker cover cloth availability (Tan) replacement if it gets damaged in the process. Thanx

  8. Someone awhile back recommended using "Flight Jacket" polish made by Shell on the rear tail light lens to remove the oxidation on the plastic. I ordered a bottle last week and it arrived yesterday. I polished the lens today and couldn't believe the difference. It dosn't look like new but close. It is work though, and takes a few good applications. Previously I had tried several other brands including McGuires with little success. Thanks to that previous poster.

  9. Rawja, Regarding the Reatta (1990) wheels from Lakeshore Wheel and Tire. Their Ad shows the wheels @ $125.00 they say they come in Silver and Black. When they say "Silver" Do they mean the original Alloy (Alum) same as the original ones. Are these in fact Original (or Replicas) and do they have the very fine "lathe" lines in them like the original? It's Saturday and I can't raise anyone there on the phone. Any other questions I should ask them and I'll post them.

  10. I just replaced the front bumper rub strip with a "Brand new one" which I purchased from my Buick dealer. It is unpainted black (Kind of dull black color but dosn't look bad). The back one is a gloss black, looks as though it has been painted. Question! What was the orginal factory finish on the black body rub strips, Gloss or the unpainted natural black?

  11. Sorry, As I was trying to add this post it kept giving me an error message that I hadn't filled in all the blocke and as I hit the back button I couldn find out what I was missing. Never had this problem with the old format

  12. I am replacing the shifter vinyl on my 1990 Reatta. I have the instructions posted by Mark W (Posting# 448985) but cannot find the basic console removel instructions he refers to (Posting # 391258. Doing a search brings up a blank. Does anyone have instructions on removing the armrest and basic console. Thanks

  13. Padgett, I think you'r correct about BJ in some respect and to some degree, but your particular comment sounds all negative. (The flip side)Sure there are a lot of rich movers and shakers (and celebs) there that spend a lot of big bucks but there are also a lot of us regular folks who go to see a great auction and some of the finest and rarest autos in the world. They do command the top prices (ie: 20 grand for a 90 Reatta conv in 07) and they have been known to some borderline shady things and the high-rollers do get some pretty good perks and a lot of fuss made over them, but that's business as usual in the world of high finance. I wouldn't mind having some of that attention (and money) myself, but I'll just have to be content with my annual trek to see some of the best wheels in the world before they go back into someones garage until they get sold again.

    My sugestion to everyone is that if you have not yet had an opportunity to get to this world class auction every January in Scottsdale AZ. Put it on your calander. It's the best 15 or 20 dollars (enterance fee)you can spend to see some great and rare customs and classics. I've been going for about 8 years now.

  14. I looked into this last year when I bought my 90. There are two of the larger companies that would cover my car but had very stringent driving conditions attached. Other have age requirements. As a result I just added it to my Geico policy with my other cars even though I only put a couple of hundred miles a year on it. I can at least drive it when I want. It depends on your usage factors.

  15. Barney and Others

    Thanks for all the cleaning tip's. And Yes. I am getting ready for the BCA here in Seattle. I have a long way to go though. I took the car into the shop yesterday to have gaskets replaced. Oil Pan,Trani,Intake and Valve cover. Next will be the engine detailing. Having a small dent repaired,Some exterior painting on the cowling and then removing rock chips. Detailing the interior and exterior will be last. I will also be replacing both front and rear bumper rub strips.

    This will be a first for me as a BCA member. I have never showed a car before and mostly look forward to meeting many of the folks from the BCA and especially the Reatta Division.

    See you in Sleepless Seattle. I was raised in Southern Calif but the army deemed it proper to send me to basic training at Fort Lewis WA after high school in September of 1956. I swore I would never come back here.... So much for swearing. It really is very beautiful country here. Look forward to meeting everyone.

  16. Thanks Guy's

    Sounds like good advise to me. The foil was something I would not have thought of.

    PS: Craig. The Tape came last week. Still trying to figure out how to get the consul and shifter apart. The tape looks like a good replacement.

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