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Posts posted by rg171352

  1. Found this Bantam for sale in TX.  The description is a bit light on details, but who doesn't love a Bantam?





    1939 Bantam Special Roadster
    (Stock # 64493)
    VIN: 64493
    Miles: 35,848
    Exterior: Red/Black
    Interior: Red/Black
    Engine: 4-cylinder, 4-speed manual
    Factory Options: 
    Fold down windshield
    Very rare, low production vehicle- less than 10 have been sold in the past 10 years. Solid chassis and body
    If you have any questions please either give us a call at 972-442-6189 or send us an email to Social@CBJeep.com
    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Flivverking said:

    Oh! I like this one alot as it sits,if it's actually like we see..running board apron dents and all.

    3 hours ride to check it....hum? 8 hour turn around on a common Ford..maybe not so interesting to me now.

    .Though looking for a Phaeton ,I have looked at some roadsters ,but not one has passed my tests for their price point.

    Unforunately photos make not so good cars look far far better then they are.

    The 2 roadster I traveled to see were way better in  photos then what I see here (and in the ad)and had been "restored body off " in the distant past...but to not any reasonable standard of a sympathetic rebuilder ,couple that with age wear ,poor preservation and crummy maintence didn't help up close and personal..


    But aleast the car here has a nice stance and hangs together well ..and near complete and no goofy b.s. here and there.😒


    Do you want a deluxe phaeton?  https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/491159628845308/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post

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