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Posts posted by JanK

  1. This idea is very much in the discussion stage, and we weren't sure if it should be an insert to our regular newsletter or stand on its own. <P>The key idea is for it to be written at a child's level, possibly at two levels for younger and older kids. I've suggested promoting upcoming events from the slant of what's in it for them. (It wouldn't hurt to remind the planners of various events that there should be "something in it for them.")We thought about including some basic car facts, activities to do (i.e., crosswords, wordsearches, etc.), pictures, and so forth.<P>The tentative editor suggests a one page insert, but may be persuaded to do a four-paged newsletter. I think baby steps (sorry) are needed for starting a junior newsletter. We'll keep you posted on our progress.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

  2. The manual that came with my copy of FrontPage is actually better than most software how-to books, but I still never seem to be able to find the answers for what I want to do. <P>How have you been dealing with your learning curve? Have any of you found any better source (besides Peter, of course) to figure out how to do all the bells and whistles? I'm thinking of the Dummies series, or ???<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region AACA<BR>Web Editor

  3. I plan to demo both the National AACA and our Wisconsin Region site at our Annual Banquet on Feb. 17th. Thanks to your session on Saturday, I've got very little prep work to do. I'll just do what you did! It seemed to work for those in attendance.<P>I'll put in a good plug for the DF. And I apologize in advance for any weird messages that show up because of our demo!<P>Jan K.

  4. I'm sorry I didn't get to attend the lunch, but I managed to find time to eat a few other meals at SG. Why was I never told about this place before?<P>I think info like that should be provided to new (and not so new) attendees. It sure helped my pocketbook!<P>Of course, if Sal is picking up the tab, count me in for next year!<P>Jan K.<P>P.S.: I finally got to try one of those KK's and it was delicious -- even though it wasn't fresh and warm. Maybe it's a good thing we don't have any of those places in WI....<p>[This message has been edited by JanK (edited 02-12-2001).]

  5. I'm hoping to bridge more content between our newsletter and our website. We're not able to do much with color in the newsletter yet, but we can more than make up for that on the website!<P>I'm also going to take a longer look at some of the Best in Class websites, and see what they have that we don't, and adjust accordingly (putting our own spin on it, of course). I'm just a beginner, but I'm trying!<P>Jan K.

  6. We've seen everything from snow to rain to sunny skies on our previous trips to the National conference. It doesn't stop us from getting to where we want to go. <P>Luckily, there's a lot to do right in the hotel -- thank heaven for hospitality rooms and incredible seminars, not to mention the trade show -- and plenty of nice people to talk cars with!<P>After December here in Wisconsin (49.5 inches of snow in one month), your measly bits of snow are nothing that could scare us away! smile.gif<P>Jan K.

  7. Any hints on what it's going to be like in Philadelphia later this week? Rain, snow, balmy weather? We need to figure out how many layers to pack. Last year we left the boots home, but brought the umbrella (and used it).<P>Also, does anyone know if the Dock Street Brewery is still open? Same question regarding Mace's Crossing. They're both about 2 blocks away from the conference hotel. Last year my husband was crushed to find that the Samual Adams Pub on Sansom Street had changed ownership. If anything similar has happened to Dock Street or Mace's Crossing, I'd like to find out beforehand so I can break it to him gently.<P>Jan K.

  8. Wisconsin weather is tricky. We've had 50 degree days in July and 75 in February. That's what makes it so difficult to plan anything here. <P>That said, typical July/August weather is around 80 degrees, but generally humid. Of course, many of the roads we'll take you on are tree-covered, so you'll get some relief from the sun even if you choose to drive topless.<P>And my personal remedy from all that heat is some of our local microbrewery stock. We'll make sure that you get a chance to judge their wares for yourself. <P>If I'm going to have a vice that could result in a "German goiter" (read: potbelly), I'd rather it be a result of large quantities of premium dark beer than something like Krispy Kreme donuts. (Do I risk being thrown out of the club for making that statement?)

  9. Sorry, Peter, no insult intended. (I'll try and remember which DF I'm on. Next time I'll use smaller, more ordinary words...)<P>Jan Kamholtz<BR>Wis Region<BR>Beam & Web Editor (read: masochist)<P>P.S.: Your reply made me laugh so hard that I had to explain myself to several coworkers.

  10. Sigh....<P>It must be nice to be able to attend an outdoor event in March. We have to wait until at least the middle of May to schedule anything without risk of that four letter word (snow) making an appearance.<P>Not to mention you're going to have those darned Krispy Kremes that everyone is going on about. I've got to get my hands on one soon. (Is eating only one even an option?) <P>Jan K.<BR>Wisconsinite for Life

  11. The Wisconsin Region is hosting the 2002 Founders tour. It will be a hub tour out of Madison, and our tours will extend out in all directions.<P>Plans are well underway, and the tour is shaping up nicely. Check out our Founders Tour page on our website at: <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin</A> for more information as it becomes available.<P>I address this question to those of you who may attend this Founders Tour. Are there any particular destinations or specific roads that you hope to see included on one of the daily tours? Wisconsin is a beautiful place with a lot to offer, and the committee has many ideas on what would be of interest to visitors. But we don't know what you might be expecting to see, so we'd like to know what you HOPE will be included. No promises, but at least it will let us know if we're on the right track!

  12. I confess to being another one who completely missed the ad at the top of the page. I guess I'm just accustomed to looking past them. <P>That said, I don't have an aversion to using that space for the good of the AACA, especially if it helps to keep the website up and running. If the funding is not allocated directly into a subaccount for present and future website needs, the monetary contributions of the website should at least be taken into account when funding pertaining to it is requested from the Board. Just because we have a generous Peter G. to help us out now, doesn't mean we should count on his largesse to go on forever. (Unless you've written a little AACA trustfund into your will, Peter?)

  13. My first car was an early '70's Honda civic. It couldn't decide whether it was an automatic or stick car. You had to start in first and slide to second after you got going, but there was no clutch. When it got really cold (which is every winter here in Wisconsin) both of the doors would freeze shut and I'd have to crawl in through the hatch. Not easy to do, or very ladylike, in a skirt and heels, let me tell you.<P>My first collector car is a 1964 Rambler American convertible. My husband had a 1937 Buick Century when we married, and I made him promise that someday we'd get another car that I could drive. He surprised me with the Rambler for my 40th birthday. After that, a number of the other wives in our region decided to follow suit, and several of them are now the proud owners of their own collector cars!<P>I've noticed that the husbands of women with cars (WWC) get a lot less grief from their wives when it comes to club events and car-related purchases. Maybe you should keep that in mind, if you have a wife who is less than enthusiastic about the hobby?

  14. I'm glad to learn that the RB articles are editable (for space, naturally -- never for any other reason). I think more content will be communicated, if this option is available. Shouldn't this be brought up at the Newsletter seminar? I had never heard that this option was available to me, and it might be interesting for others like me.

  15. My husband and I alternated as editors of The Beam for over seven years, and were always very sensitive to copyright compliance. Unfortunately, quite a few of our members didn't (or wouldn't) grasp the concept of protected works. I can't tell you how many times they would present us with articles, cartoons, etc., for reproduction, without attribution, much less permission. We finally drew the line and told them that all submissions had to be original, or come complete with permission to reuse (in writing). That way I didn't have to chase around to get the necessary permissions and they came to appreciate the process of obtaining the permission. A few went off in a huff, but I can't help that. Our names were on the newsletter, and we wouldn't compromise our ethics -- or put ourselves in legal jeopardy!

  16. I think a website seminar is a great idea. I always got a lot out of the newsletter seminars, and I can't imagine a website seminar would be any less informative.<P>Here are topics I would suggest:<BR>- ABC's of starting the website (many regions haven't yet made the jump)<BR>- Minimum requirements for content (to help get started)<BR>- Website do's and don't's (gosh, is that how you type it?) <BR>- Offer TWO seminars, one for those just getting started, and a second for those with more than basic knowledge or who are looking for specific technical help for more full-featured websites. (I attended Peter's seminar with my husband, and I found it very informative. Unfortunately, I had to explain much of the content to my husband, because he is fatally technology-challenged. I wondered if Peter and some of those asking and answering questions were talking over the heads of a lot of the people in the room. This could scare off some potential web editors.)

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