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Posts posted by JanK

  1. Hmmm...that is a loaded question, isn't it? Do I tell the truth and scare you off--or do I offer a creative reply?

    My husband and I edited the Beam for about 14 years, which when we last did it was a 20 page monthly. I typically spent 15 hours or more on the prework, writing, and typing. He contributed at least another 10 or so toward final layout and hunting up just the right picture for each situation. [i won't count squabble time. Whether a couple is navigating a tour, or putting together a newsletter, some of those unintended conversations are bound to happen! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> We finally decided that the person with the title Editor after his/her name was the one who got the final word. That worked until the final three years when we shared the title--that's when coin flips came in handy!]

    If you intend to put out a quality publication, you will find yourself spending more time than you think on each issue. You will have to decide how much time you are able to dedicate to each issue and do the best you can in the time allotted.

    If you are lucky enough to get contributions, try to work ahead on issues. If you aren't lucky enough to get contributions, then lean on your executive board. Ask each of them to contribute one story and to find another member with a story.

    By all means encourage people to give you digital pictures. That's a great timesaver. If you give credit for the pictures, you'll eventually get a steady stream of photos from people who like to see their name in print but who aren't bold enough to write something.

    Encourage the kids in your region to write something from their perspective. Or get people to submit pictures of their grandkids with the cars, if your region is older (as ours is).

    Editing (or more accurately, rewriting) the stories does take some time. But if you're good with words, you'll enjoy taking the time to craft something the other members will enjoy.

    By all means use the resources at the library if you're that close. Make sure you let everyone know when you use library resources. They can use all the PR they can get!

    Make friends with your web editor if you have one. If you share back and forth, you'll each have an easier job finding content.

    Understand right away that whatever you do will be criticized and know that nothing you do will please everyone. When you have "one of those days," come to the forum and look for reassurance. We've all been there and done that!

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

    [Retired} Beam Editor

  2. In Wisconsin it's 20 years for "collector" plates for which you pay a one time fee. The plate also exempts you from emissions testing. This plate is non-transferrable.

    Wisconsin also has "Hobbyist" plates for rods and customs and other altered vehicles and "Antique" plates for vehicles more than 50 years old. These are also one time fees and I believe these vehicles are also exempted from emissions testing.

    All of these plates have different rules and regulations for terms of operation. For example, a car with collector plates can only be operated 11 months of the year under penalty of a hefty fine, which prevents people from slapping them on any old used car.

    Contact your local DMV to see what's available. Read the fine print before you buy the plate, so you don't find something out the hard way!

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  3. Vern, Scott and I drove down from southern Wisconsin for this meet and it sure was worth it! The event drew a number of rare and beautiful cars as well as the ones we are accustomed to seeing.

    The only fault we could find was with the person who was responsible for making sure we had good weather! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> We've never seen so much rain! [it's raining again today according to the weather map.] We do have to give the weather person some credit, however, because the rain held off for the bulk of the time the cars were on the showfield--although it was touch-and-go for a while.

    Friendly doesn't begin to describe the attitute of the Blackhawk Region's members. They were helpful in the extreme. We even got recommendations for the best way for Vern and Scott to get to the White Sox game in Chicago the following week. (And yes, they took your advice and picked up the yellow line in Skokie!)

    We took a lot of pictures on the showfield, which we've turned over to the Beam editor and the website editor. We'll let you know when they're available for viewing.

    Well done, Blackhawk Region. Don't hesitate to host another event soon. You know we'll be there!

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  4. Debby,

    If you have some time and the inclination, take a shot at the website. As the others said, you will need the right program to update the website. But if it was created in FrontPage, you should have few problems working with it. If you know Word or Publisher, you can do FrontPage. Bear in mind that there are no tabs in FrontPage, so anything that needs to be spaced out is best done in tables.

    If you can work offline and then publish, that is the wisest thing for a beginner to do. (I wish someone had told me that when I first got started.)

    Don't hesitate to post your "how to" questions here. You already know that this group loves to have an opinion on just about anything and they're always ready to lend a hand! grin.gif

    Jan K.

  5. Hey, Mike! Scott sends his best. He's not speaking to me right now because we couldn't swing the trip this year. Too much to do and not enough time to do it! He's already warned us he's going next year, with or without us!

    Congratulations on the recognition! It won't be the last time for you...

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  6. I recently came across mention of this article in a publication put out by the Wisconsin Historical Society. It is featured on their website as an editor's choice and was originally published in the September 1946 issue.


    "Devil-Wagon Days"

    By Dorothy V. Walters

    A delightful account of the early days of motoring in Wisconsin when the state's highways were neither paved nor marked, and a forty-mile trip from Milwaukee to Palmyra in Jefferson County might take a full day and involve the repair of a dozen "punctures."


    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  7. Sal,

    You'd better start banking the money, because if they're growing this fast now, I can just imagine what they'll eat in a few years!

    How does your daughter like having two baby "bothers"?

    Good news on the boys. Let's hope that all you ever get is good news!

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  8. If you like looking at pictures of cars, then take a look at what I just added to the Past Events page of the Wisconsin Region's website: http://local.aaca.org/wisconsin/past_events.htm

    On August 28th, we went to an invitational car show down at the lakefront in Milwaukee. There were 120 cars registered and 115 on site. The showfield was spacious and you had ample time and space to really see all these unique specimens. And if you look closely, you'll see the Calatrava and other Milwaukee landmarks in the background. I'm told this show might become an annual event. I'll keep you posted.

    The pictures for the Villa Luna event are included for the garden lovers. We were asked to park our '37 Buick in front of a small mansion (is that an oxymoron?) near the Milwaukee lakefront; in return, our family was invited to attend the fund-raising event. I think we got the better end of the deal. The grounds were recently re-landscaped and they are wonderful. Too bad the tram wasn't working, though--there are 108 steps between the upper and lower levels. crazy.gif

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  9. Thanks for fixing the link for me. I figured out what the problem was, but couldn't get back on an unrestricted computer until just now. That's what I get from cutting-and-pasting the link from our home page!

    I'll be back in the office tomorrow and plan to add the rest of the photos to the site then. Check back in the afternoon, if you want to see more photos!

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  10. From the Library News webpage:

    "Raffle Reminder: This bronze sculpture, shown below, [in an attachment here] has been made available by the Glen Neidigh Memorial Fund. This is a beautiful solid bronze sculpture weighing approximately 85 pounds, solidly mounted to the wooden base. The statue itself is #12 of 36 cast and is valued at $5000.00. The artist's name and the number are vetted. For more information about this piece, or to obtain raffle tickets, contact Fran Shore at shoreinmedia@aol.com or Kim Miller at kmiller@aacalibrary.org. Tickets may also be purchased through AACA headquarters.

    "Raffle tickets are $5.00 apiece. The statue will be awarded at the Hershey dinner on Saturday, October 8, 2005. You do not have to present to win. All proceeds will benefit the AACA Library and Research Center Endowment Fund."

    Don't delay, buy your tickets today!

    Jan K.

  11. Copyright police here. The source you quote is NOT out of copyright yet, so you'd have to ask for reprint permission to use it. Rule of thumb according to an intellectual property attorney I consulted is 95 years, which is more than the 75 year rule that I heard at an AACA seminar some years ago. Copyright covers words and pictures, so the drawing you mention is also protected.

    As Wayne noted, being copyright compliant can be as easy as asking for (and receiving) reprint rights from the original source. However, since that published source may only have been granted first or limited rights, it may be necessary to go directly to the source of the material for reprint permissions.

    Copyright compliance can be a tricky issue. That's why we, as The Beam editors, tried to avoid using previously published material as much as possible. It was hard for our members to understand why we couldn't just print whatever they gave us, but they weren't the ones that would be held liable if someone saw fit to sue us!

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  12. 1. Judy, this is a great idea. Not only might it bring more people over to the AACA website (a great resource in itself), but it would also save the regions and chapters a few bucks in printing/mailing costs. And the "best of the best" would still be on display for others to learn from.

    2. Wayne, DO NOT take yourself out of the competition. Stay there and carry the standards to new heights. Like you said, if we keep raising the bar we ALL get better. That's why I never hesitated in helping other editors. It forced me to take a hard look at what I was doing and do it better if I wanted to stay ahead of them! That said, is there a point at which someone "retires" from competition, much as cars are pulled from active judging? Yes, when someone steps down as editor! :-)

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  13. More on the restoration:

    Ernie Screen mentioned that his group is looking for a sponsor for the Overland's upholstery and top. Currently only the painting materials have been donated. Ernie has an estimate of $1200 for the new top. He said it would be great to have the Overland really looking good with a new top and upholstery to complement the body and paint work. The upholstery is not in need of replacement, but needs cleaning and painting. Any donations or help will be greatly appreciated. To donate, contact Ernie Screen directly.

    Jan K., Wis Region

    Library Web Editor

  14. Want to get involved in a real restoration that is being done for fun and to publicize the AACA Library? Go to the Library website at http://www.aaca.org/library and click on "Restoration Project."

    There is a small group of fellows driving from the Frederick, Maryland area once a week to work on the Overland. They work at Rick Hoover's restoration shop and they could use some help. Anyone who lives in the area or (as these fellows) even out of the area, please come and join the fun. It is good companionship and really a demonstration of what it's like to be involved in the antique car hobby.

    This will not be a show car but it will be presentable. When it's done it will serve as a "sign" to the public that something about the Antique Automobile hobby is happening in the building that houses the AACA Library and AACA Headquarters.

    Give Ernie Screen, the coordinator of this experience, an e-mail: enscreen@juno.com or a phone call: 1-301-253-3560. The guys would enjoy having some extra helping hands and you'll have a really good time.

    If you don't have the time, or aren't close enough to the project to help, then consider a cash or parts contribution instead.

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

    Library Web Editor

  15. Brenda, thanks for the kind words. I still can't believe that I got that award. I know how much other winners have contributed, and I really didn't see myself in that same category. Someone else obviously had a different opinion!

    And, for the record, the DF buttons were the talk of the DF luncheon. Those who had them wore them, and the rest of us just coveted them. I hope the offer is still available to the rest of us!

    Jan K.

  16. Wayne, after seeing Mike again at the annual meeting, it's clear that you need to change out the picture on your postings. He's gaining on you!

    We had a great time again this year also. On Friday and Saturday we had to practically pry Scott away from the Junior area. After seeing the activities he chose to do, I think he officially knows more about the innards of cars than I do! (But then, he didn't have to learn much to overtake me....)

    What also impressed me was how accessible all the directors were during the weekend. The kids had a chance to meet both the incoming and the outgoing presidents, as well as many others on the board. That goes a long way to making them feel like an important part of the group.

    It was nice to see some of the regulars again and to have a chance to put some names and faces together for those I had yet to meet. We missed you this year, Sal, but the babies needed you more. I'm so glad to hear that they're thriving.

    I'll post some pictures when I get a free moment. I'm still catching up from being gone.

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

  17. For what it's worth, you don't have to purchase the Adobe software to create a .pdf file. Most good scanners have an option to save as a .pdf. The downside is that you must first print one copy of the newsletter in order to scan it.

    There are also free sites that offer .doc to .pdf conversions. I've used them for some smaller files. I thought it would work for the newsletter, but I used Publisher, and I found out that these sites won't convert .pub files to .pdf. Bob, how do you do the conversion to .pdf from Publisher?

    Jan K.

    Wis Region

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