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  1. ALSO My Grandfather has accumulated a TON of MG parts over the years. We're starting to sell off these parts slowly but surely. So I might be posting questions on identifying and pricing parts in the future. But I literally have 1000's of parts so if your are in dire need of a part let me know and I'll take a look.
  2. Thank you everyone I can't wait to get more involved in the Community. I recently started the project MG and will be making a "blog" on aaca so stay tuned. Found some trophies and awards the MG TC has won over the years and will post those along with the before photos of the car.
  3. I don't have a set goal on what audience I want to pull from in general, but I believe it will be mostly existing car enthusiasts becoming more involved in older cars. That being said, I do believe I will get some non car enthusiasts to turn out but the existing ones will be the majority for sure. I am planning on accessing my school's car club for this project as well which will be all gearheads like ourselves.
  4. RESULTS TIME!!! Thank you to everyone who participated. I had almost 40 people respond. Age I won't share the exact amount of each age, but there was a range from all the way down to 21 to 81. (And one "Old!!") Cars Ya'll had some interesting cars for sure from 1903 Oldsmoblies to Cadillac Coupe DeVilles. As for the response questions, you guys were great and there are simply too many to post but I will definitely keep you guys updated as I implement your ideas.
  5. Thank you to everyone who filled out the form. I did receive some pushback but this forum was by far the most welcoming. I was told, "Obviously he has nothing to contribute here on MGExperiance" on a different forum. I will probably leave the form up over the weekend and share the results (minus name, ages, and emails of course) next Monday. Thank you to the admins who supported this post it means a lot. I can't wait to get more involved in the community as I work on this project.
  6. WOW looks great. My grandfather restored the one I'm working on and won a ton of shows, but unfortunately, It has been sitting. I'd love to get into contact and possibly have you as a community contact for my project.
  7. THANK YOU, I tried to emphasize that all personal information was strictly optional but I guess I didn't do it well enough.
  8. Thank you for your response I might reach out to you later about a possible contact to the community.
  9. If you want to email me the details at Carson.wallace.75@gmail.com I'd love to attend.
  10. Thank you, I can assure you that Google Form is a secure connection between you and Google and the personal information is completely optional. As for my location, I am doing the project for Fellowship Christian as a Capstone project. I hope to take the MG to the show in Roswell Canton Street oct the 12th.
  11. I was unaware of this rule. Where/ who do I contact to get approval for my survey?
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