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  1. EmTee The link you posted only showed me the owners manual. I want the service manual. I don’t want to buy the paperback that cost around $200. I rather buy it only for around $25 but do not know which website is reputable. this is what I’m referring to….. https://www.emanualonline.com/cars/buick/rendezvous/2002-2007-buick-rendezvous-service-repair-manual-software-emo-1982.html?currency=USD&product_country=US&product_id=1982&placement=&adtype=pla&keyword=&gbraid=0AAAAADb9dgxkWuJvV2iYGLGeGq-vC004D&gclid=CjwKCAjw69moBhBgEiwAUFCx2K_z72__EESHSHWzU_7NswPX0AuAOGBtR_e8LXEZoGNTn2EHL6MdaBoCUDcQAvD_BwE
  2. Hey guys, Does someone know of a good website where I can purchase the electronic viewable service manual for a 02 rendezvous or a 89 reatta for cheap? theres a bunch of websites online but many seem shady or need a subscription (alldata)….. if anyone can help thanks
  3. I’m in need of a passenger mirror. if your are glossy I’ll get both of them. Also I got a 89’. I heard certain year models only fit on those years.
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