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Posts posted by JohnnyMaryjo


     the brake issue 

    if I am going straight and put on the brake it is fine no pulling toward the right  if I am making a left hand turn  and hit  the brake it is fine no pulling toward the right  but if i and turning toward the right and hit the brake it will pull toward the right really hard and sharp ? ?


  2. why is it that my brake pedal hits the floor  then I have to pump it up

    there was nothing wrong with my brakes until someone told me that  I should have them adjusted

    only because ever decade it might pull to the right . but I had a full brake pedal.

    and now  it still goes to the right all the time with pumping it up Holds  steady )  to where it used to be

    need help what  has happened  when they did this so called adjustment


  3. I had my brakes adjusted . but now  the brake peddle goes close to the floor

    I have to pump the brake pedal for it to come up  where it should be   why is this happening 

    before they did the adjustments the brakes were fine No idea why  they did this.

    the pedal was  where it should be  up and not near the floor

    Why is this ? and what to do to correct it 


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