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  1. It has found a good home. It's staying right where it's at.
  2. Guys if it doesn't bring $17900 this round I'm gonna put everyone out of there misery and just hold onto it. These eBay listing are getting too expensive. Plus my boy painted this picture last night for me. That's my 41 out camping. Kinda points me to keeping this one. I've had a LOT of cars. This is one of his favorites.
  3. FACT:. I offered to let Earl fly up and see the car and even drive it down for some BBQ. My treat. Wanted him to spend the day being able to get reaquainted with an old friend since I'm sensitive to his history with this vehicle. I told him maybe that was the solution since he kept giving me reasons he shouldn't buy it. FACT: I never even got a thank you for that offer. That's when I was done with Earl.
  4. FACT: For the record Earl you never made me an offer on that car. You were throwing out numbers that were considerably less than I was interested in at the time. I didn't see the point in wasting a Sunday having someone poke and prod around my car when there was no money on the table. You had ample opportunity to purchase that car and chose not to do so.
  5. That's what I plan to do with it if someone doesn't put some money on the table soon. I really thought this car was worth $25k originally. The one at Mecum burst that bubble. My biggest hurdle is going to be redoing door panels in order to get rid of the speaker holes.
  6. Matt you hit the nail on the head. Spend a nominal amount of $$ and some spare hours this winter someone would have a decent driver come Spring. This one needs a little freshening and to be enjoyed. Thankfully I'm not a perfectionist. I just enjoy cars of all types.
  7. Trust me that car will never be sold for parts guys!
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