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Posts posted by dcaddick

  1. Ron made the upper and lower tailgates, I made the passenger rear post, Ron tied in the rear corner. He made the driver rear corner and post. Ron made everything big and I shaped it down to what you see. I built the two passenger side doors and B and C pillars. I will be building the two doors on the driver side. I have already started the driver door. I could not have done this car without Ron Heiden. Now that I have seen what he did I am glad he did it. It got me moving on this project.

  2. On 4/28/2023 at 10:37 AM, Rexville48 said:

    This is what the inside of a 48 made by Fisher looks like.




    This very similar to mine and the divider is the same. Thank you for sharing the pictures. In the 49 Fisher body book it shows the bottom board but does not show the divider installed. This project is 10 years in the process and these details are really small but important to make things work the way they were designed. Thank you for the help.

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  3. I am working on the passenger door of the 49 Olds woodie project. In the Fisher body book they show the inside of the passenger door but it does not show the glass vent wing or window installed with the location of how you attach the divider at the cross piece. Anyone have a picture of the inside of the door?

    It is really to bad that these cars are so rare. Maybe 25 of them left. Granted these Fisher bodies are a terrible design. They cut too much wood out for all the stuff they tried to install. It is not surprising that when these cars got wet and you shut the doors a few times that it would just snap. Oh well. Any help with a picture would be great

  4. I have a 1949 Mercury Station Wagon, and I am looking for the windshield divider. It is 18 7/8 long, made out of stainless on the out side and steel on the inside. 1950 is the same, 1951 is a little different but usable. I have been looking for years for this. Please let me know if you think you have it. The important part is the 18 7/8 inches

    Thank you for looking

  5. I am restoring a 49 Merc Wagon, and in the gathering of parts for this build I never found a hood dowel, pin, cup and spring. I have searched for a long time, and I have tried to see if there is interchange with another Ford or Mercury model or year. Any info helps. Thank you

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