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Everything posted by Doug1414

  1. Is the owners manual and the radio manual 2 different books?
  2. Thanks to all who answered. I now can continue. I am sad though about draining dinosaur liquid but I just did not know. All the cars I have ever restored have been a 1961 Cadillac, a 1963 Pontiac Gran Prix, a 1966 Ford 4 W D, 4 door pickup, a 1967 International Scout plus a few more. Never have stuck to one car manufacturer. But my dream car has always been an older Buick with the Big Teeth Grill like the one on the Rain Man Movie. They have elevated so much in price I had given up until I found this 1950 Buick built in Summer of 1949 when I was born at a fair price with no rust and I could not say no. The first thing I always did with other cars was change the rear end and tranny and crankcase fluids plus check the brakes before I even started it. The fluid that came out of the rear end was actually reddish maroon and extremely thick. I had never seen that but drained it into a tub that contaminated it. I figured then it was a mistake. And I had already done the tranny but I believe it must of been changed before as it seemed to look like present day 90 WT. I actually do the work to check for metal particles in case I need to rebuild. Anyway, thanks to all who helped. I will post a picture as soon as it gets painted. Am interested in door cards if someone has a set or a sun visor or I will just make the cards myself "IN MY SPARE TIME!!!" LOL!! Doug peedolomi@hotmail.com
  3. So when you say drain/fill and drive you mean all of the fluid in the syncromesh tranny? On page 4-21 of my 1950 Buick Shop Manual, paragraph 9, it says to put 7/8 pint in tranny and 1/2 pint needs to be injected through the universal joint yoke. BUT that makes no sense because if all the fluid ran out when I drained the tranny then after I inject 1/2 pint into the yoke it would just run down into the tranny all over again or it could not of drain out when I emptied the tranny the first time. Is this making sense? Also, the 1950 Shop Manual says to put 1 3/8 pints of fluid in but I have a Motor's Manual which says 1 3/4 pints. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time and help. Doug
  4. This is my first vehicle with a torque tube. I only know u-joints connected to tranny's. I drained the tranny and did not measure so I do not know if the fluid from the u-joint/torque tube came out or not. Someone has said they believe it all comes out when draining the tranny. I looked in the shop manual and it said to put 7/8 pint in the tranny. Then it says to inject 1/2 pint through the universal joint yoke. All I see when I look is a rubber boot which is 3 or 4 inches long that goes between the tranny and the torque tube. There is no plug to remove to add fluid so I AM LOST! I believe the rubber can be peeled back but I did not peel it completely back as I do not want to ruin it. Is the rubber a reservoir for fluid? If so, can I peel it back and inject the fluid. Not even sure why they use the word inject. I have read that if I put ALL the fluid in the tranny that it could cause the bearing to fail as it takes too long for the fluid to reach the bearing from the tranny after driving it a short distance so that is why it is important to inject a 1/2 pint at the u-joint. BUT!!! If all the fluid drains out when I drain the tranny, won't the fluid that I inject just run down into the tranny reservoir anyway??? Thanks for listening. I live in a small town in Oregon and no mechanics here know this information. I appreciate any information you can share with me. And I am wondering why I cannot find this information in the shop manual. Also the rubber boot has slices in it like at one time it rubbed something while turning. None of the slices are all the way through the rubber but I imagine it is weaker than it should be. Cannot find this part in manual. Should it be replaced? Thanks for your help. 503-422-9598 or peedolomi@hotmail.com.
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