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Posts posted by hook

  1. 6 hours ago, Dave Wells said:

    It seems to me that the sections of this forum I read most often (General Discussion, "For Sale - Not Mine, "What is it", and Photos and Videos) are in a sort of malaise period lately. Posts seem to be less frequent and less interesting now than they have been in the recent past. I don't follow the other forum sections closely, so maybe that's where the "action" is at.

    Could it be that springtime has a demand on our time and attention that takes us away from the forum? Are other car related activities taking up more time? Do the news and political stories distract our attention? 

    Maybe it's like this every spring, I don't know. I may be just imagining things and I certainly have no physical proof - only the sense that things are slow.

    Please comment with your views "pro or con".


    (No need to tell me to "get a life". It's too late for that!)




    Maybe all the questions have been answered!......................haha

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  2. 26 minutes ago, Ben Bruce aka First Born said:


     Each engine ran one wheel, I believe.



    No, actually both left hand engines powered the front wheels, and the right-hand engines powered the rear wheels. It wasn't very good, competition wise because of traction problems but everybody loved to see it. So, it really attracted people to the drag strips. Check out the distributers, they are on the rear of the engines and you can see the way the engines are oriented. Oh well so much for modern marvels, it's time to return to the good old stuff!

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  3. 2 hours ago, Joao46 said:

    Preventer? Everyone here seems to say it’s a vaporization enhancer to help startup on cold weather.

    A fuemer device is a vaporization enhancer, not a preventer. You can't prevent carb boiling by adding heat to it. Besides that, the fuemer device is only powered when the starter is engaged. 

  4. 4 hours ago, 3macboys said:

    I will say that it is clear through all this discussion that it at least has people thinking about how they would react and what they need and why.  One other key part of the equation that has been missed is your cellphone - either make the 911 call yourself or direct someone else to make it and report back to you.  This is just like your CPR training, it's great that you want to, and are able to make your best first efforts but the sooner that you can get those truly in the know rolling, the better.  Trust me, one minute waiting for help seems like forever, 5 to 10 minutes in an urban center is going to leave you questioning if help is ever coming.  And if you manage to extinguish it before help arrives, you can always call back and give an update to the fire department, they will still show up to make sure you are all good and you should welcome that, car fires can be extremely stubborn.  And remember, as much as we love 'em, this is all just stuff - DO NOT jeopardize your safety over it!  More guys have been seriously hurt trying to extinguish what started as a small car fire in the garage themselves instead of just getting out and making the call.  

    There is almost nothing more sickening than running out of fire extinguisher and still having fire! Call or have someone call for help first!!!!!!! 

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  5. 44 minutes ago, mikewest said:

    I have my single chamber master cylinder and fuemer still in place on my 1929 Franklin . I'm not going to change them. And I'm not worried about them.

    We all had single chamber master cylinders up to the late sixties and they worked out fine. Nothing wrong with the fuemer in place, I just wouldn't suggest wiring it up.

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  6. On 5/29/2024 at 2:49 AM, 37_Roadmaster_C said:

    @hook   I agree with you and would hope that our members would refrain from the endless rants on things like "single chamber master cylinders". I suppose I am dreaming, but if it saved one person or one car it would be worth it.

    I'm with you there............now let see, how do I attach this air bag to a 1903 olds? 

    • Haha 3
  7. 8 hours ago, 37_Roadmaster_C said:

    This was an interesting thread. I had never heard of a fuemer, but understand what the engineers were thinking in the 20's. Thanks for the education. This thread also makes me wonder what the members here would think about a "Safety Forum" where things like this could be reposted to. There have been many things from the past that have proven hazardous or become unsafe with modern applications. It may be nice if there was a place for new owners as well as us antique antique owners to gain a bit of knowledge to keep out hobby safer.

    There's good and bad with your idea. Just consider the only time an antique car is safe is when it's sitting still, not running, and you are just looking at it. But we love them and use them just the same. But maybe a safety forum is worth a try. However, you will run into repeated items over and over again and many opinions on whether or not it's safe or dangerous.



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  8. 12 hours ago, 30DodgePanel said:

    @hook that's a diverse little group of early vehicles. Any idea the year and location of the photo?

    Would like to see better photos of the engine on that trike on the left.



    As you can see on the photo, it's dated 1902. The location is Seaford, Delaware. A Mr. Edward Allen had a bicycle repair shop at that time, and I believe it's probably his shop. It's also believed that Ed had the first car in Seaford. He and Arnold Greenabaum were very interested in self propelled vehicles. The first car dealership in Seaford was in 1917, owned by Tillie Bryan and he sold Franklins, Oldsmobile's & Maxwells. I think you would be better off talking to someone who collects antique bikes and motorcycles for info on that trike. 


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