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Everything posted by CharlesK

  1. hi community, I wanted to announce the sale of my 1926 parts car to the members in case any one was looking for a good star to build or to have all the parts they need! heres a link to the auction I'm open to cutting a deal with my fellow aaca menbers http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261127406874 thanks charles edit* needed to change the listing
  2. Hello, i have recently come across an old man that might be selling what i believe is a reo truck. i do not have pictures of the truck (i was dumb and didnt take a pic while i was there. only realized what it was after i got home) the truck is far from me and i'll prob be back there on friday to take another look. it is in a rusty shape but is all their, i dont know if the engine turns, but the on back of it is a tow truck set up. it's has to be in the 20's because i have a set of headlamps a few weeks ago that is the exact same as the truck and i was able to link them. The headlights for the reo are for sale. What i want to know is what is a good price to pick it up for i was thinking maybe 500$. but what is the re sale value of a car like that? i was thinking maybe 1000- 2000 Thanks for letting me know. the pic is not the car, but a very similar looking reo. Thanks for letting me know thanks
  3. hello, Fellow AACA members. It has come to time for me to Sell my 1930 Chevrolet Independence. This car is in perfect condition, and fully original. The car has no rust, 1 small scratch on a fender. The engine runs, the car is currently licensed in Ontario. The interior couldn't be in better condition. Their is a small leak on the roof, but no water has ever gotten on it (i just know their is a small opening along a side). The engine still requires lead additive. This car is a rare one and will be very hard to find any other like it! I would like to get 27500 for the car, open to offers or maybe trades. you can contact me through this website, email at charlesgregorykennedy@gmail.com or call at 438 827 3405 thanks guys have a good one charles
  4. hi this for the sale for this truck. More pictures are available upon request. The truck has been fully restored, rebuilt engine (not original and has less than 300k on the engine) Everything in the truck has either been restored or bought new, it was a off the frame resto. Info available upon request. It's a Automatic I would like 37500 for it. Let me know what you think
  5. The item's that i have are: 3 trunks - good condition, 2 hoods - good condition, 1 with all badges and ornaments 1 steering wheel good condition. 2 set's of chrome bumpers misc chrome trim All pictures available upon demand. Check out my ebay store FOR PICTURES i'd be happy to go through AACA to sell my items as i have been a member and i must check this website 3-4 times a day! http://stores.ebay.ca/FulfordPointTradingCo2010 Thanks Charles
  6. I will update you when I have reduced the pictures and will repost the pictures when I get home
  7. Hello, I have recently stumble onto what i believe is a 1926 Durant Star car. I was wondering what something like this would be worth, from what i have seen their are not to many parts cars floating around. The underneath of the vehicle is in much better condition than the body so this is probably a mechanical parts car. More pictures to come, feel free to contact if your interested. Turns out that the pictures wont load onto the website. here are links https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=598b1298e3&view=att&th=13a1fe111e8b4098&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1414690984447442944-1&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P93MVmheImEZX0BB-XwxS7G&sadet=1349155252014&sads=IcDcym_ntxSxQXVmO0Nk-oqdlKk https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=598b1298e3&view=att&th=13a1fe22a11d58a4&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1414691040664748032-1&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P93MVmheImEZX0BB-XwxS7G&sadet=1349155292124&sads=z9_RM79293QtUIbfI9Aup4gYElU https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=598b1298e3&view=att&th=13a1fe22a99b0b08&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1414691023637970944-1&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P93MVmheImEZX0BB-XwxS7G&sadet=1349155318296&sads=D2ayQKZTymS55YveN382h8JkAAM https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=598b1298e3&view=att&th=13a1fe110d61978e&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1414690966997041152-1&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P93MVmheImEZX0BB-XwxS7G&sadet=1349155347660&sads=735KJiQu_rcSIj5tW9xcmGD_prg https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=598b1298e3&view=att&th=13a1fe1105d6350e&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1414690992458039547-1&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P93MVmheImEZX0BB-XwxS7G&sadet=1349155363343&sads=bTfYLgraCc23eiYbzonP3QqWSPY let me know either through email, phone or PM on the website ill be sure to get back to you.
  8. Most probably going to resell it.or turn it into a rat rod.
  9. [TABLE=width: 1460] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: vi-ip_2, colspan: 1]<form name="ssFrm" action="http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?VISuperSize&item=261069004032" target="ssFrmWin" method="post" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; "></form>[TABLE] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: vs_w-a]<center></center> [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 1460] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: vi-ip_2, colspan: 1]<form name="ssFrm" action="http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?VISuperSize&item=261069004032" target="ssFrmWin" method="post" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ">[TABLE=width: 1460] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: vi-ip_2, colspan: 1]<form name="ssFrm" action="http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?VISuperSize&item=261069004032" target="ssFrmWin" method="post" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; "></form>[TABLE] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: vs_w-a]<center style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; "></center> The item engine can be taken off the frame with use of a torch, you'll need to know the item is sold as is! The frame has been cut to take off suspension and steering only thing that is left is the firewall and axels. let me know what you think. [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] </form> [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] i have a few things left for engines such as cylinder cover. ON A SIDE NOT new arrivals are a pair of extra tire holders and a few other things i will update when i know thanks
  10. hello, I have recently come across these in a barn. I wanted to know how much it would be worth to see what i should buy it for. PLEASE HELP
  11. The four door body is a bigger series, but with out id plaque on the the firewall it's hard to identify it. Do you Know how to
  12. if could send me your email somehow i can send pictures, I also have many 1931 buick parts for sale
  13. i might have one how can i post a picture?
  14. hello, i have recently come across alot of buick parts and i wanted to bring them to this forum's attention. I have to many parts and 1 model 87 car to list so i thought i could send a link to my ebay store so everyone can take a look around. I do not wish to by pass this website but merely use ebay for pictures. Please let me know what you think thanks Link http://stores.ebay.ca/FulfordPointTradingCo2010 the store categories to check are others and Buick. thanks alot in advance for taking a look Charles
  15. PLease help me identify this car! I almost sure that it is a model T but not sure what year or model Thanks for the help.
  16. Hi there, I have just come across one when i bought a buick donor car that i am parting out. if your still looking for one please email me at samuelmalcolmkennedy@gmail.com and we can see if it matches up to your car! Sam
  17. and im in Canada, the frames are located in Ontario near ottowa
  18. the 1919 frame can be viewed on my ebay page at http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260857854135&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT#ht_500wt_1180 (only for pictures not trying to defer away from this website) Let me know what you think of the pics, and yeah i had some problems uploading pictures.
  19. Hello, I have a multitude of MODEL T equipment - Ford model T frame 1920-1926 175$ and is in good shape, the frame has very little rust on it and it has still its two original front fenders attached to it. it also has the body brackets and body mounts still there and in good shape. the frame is in good shape for re builds or Rat Rods. its hard to pin point the age of this frame because of lack of a stamp on the frame which was not done until 1926. Ford model T frame 1915-1919 250$ 1915-1919 Ford Model T Frame which is in good condition and has alot of potentials for new builds and rat rods. the frame still has alot of original brackets and body mounts. Ford Model T Roadster Frame 1920-1926 with original metal 200$ Good shape original metal good shape Make an offer
  20. A beautiful 1930 Chevy Independence a perfect piece of history, same engine (rebuilt), transmission. You need to put lead into the gas, has only 1 small leak in the roof (never been driven in the rain). An infinite amount of pictures available Price is 32 500$ (Canadian) The car is located in Canada Make an offer or trade (trades need to be newer cars or trucks)
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