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Posts posted by twin6

  1. On 2/14/2022 at 3:36 PM, nzcarnerd said:

    A photo from historic Winnipeg - supposedly dated 1911 but I think the little roadster - make? - is from later than that. Looks to be an interesting six cylinder(?), low sided touring car across the street.






    SAG Maxmillian Vanbreak Winnipeg 0222 (2).jpg


    If the car across the street is a Packard, and it sure looks to be, I think it's a 1913 model 48 phaeton.  RHD and different cowl than the touring car.

  2. 13 hours ago, edinmass said:

    Here is a typical example of an early custom. Designed by one guy, built by someone else.......is it factory? Nope. Just a time when the automotive world was going from carriage builders to coach builders, and lots of things were fluid.......and some defy a particular category.




    Body built after Packard went out of business. 

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