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Posts posted by ignacio_an

  1. Hi Studerex:

    sorry for the delay on my answer but I just came back from vacations this week.

    Can you handle shipping on a closed wooden box to miami 33172?

    can you also send me pictures and price to ignacio@cnasca.cl

    I have the original fenders of my car but the are not in good condition, the borders are not that good but the can reparaible with some work. I will preferd a pair in better condition to work on.


  2. hi everybody:

    any suggestions on the rex hard top?

    I have attended Hershey 2009 fall meet and there I met the owner of a yellow-black 77 double cowl 1930 Chrysler . His name was Paul Kaufmann. I show him pictures of my car, and he told me that the molding ( see the color lines on the pictures) were only used on Locke bodys.

    Does anybody know something about that?

    He also told me where will be supposed to be the plate with the numbers (under the front seat) , but my car does not have any number on it.

    Also a person from Brazil told me that the car might be a convertible victoria,

    Any suggestion?

    kind regards to all




  3. HI:

    I have attended Hershey 2009 fall meet and there I met the owner of a yellow-black 77 double cowl 1930 Chrysler . His name was Paul Kaufmann. I show him pictures of my car, and he told me that the molding ( see the color lines on the pictures) were only used on Locke bodys.

    Does anybody know something about that?

    He also told me where will be supposed to be the plate with the numbers (under the front seat) , but my car does not have any number on it.

    Also a person from Brazil told me that the car might be a convertible victoria, Any suggestion?

    take a look on the hard tops that F&J have posted on http://forums.aaca.org/f170/id-1930-chrysler-body-275811.html

    kind regards to all




  4. hi

    I have contacted Danielle Szostak-Viers at chryslerheritage.com. I asked for the build card of my car, The answer was:

    " Unfortunately, I was unable to find a build card for your vehicle. The build cards were stored on microfilm. Your build card was missing from the reel. The build card would of had the body number on it.

    I am sorry that I am unable to assist you. "

    I also try with a volunteer and the answer from Danielle was:

    "Unfortunately, I was unable to find a volunteer here at the archives to give me a 100% answer on what your vehicle is. One volunteer said he believes it’s a 1930 Chrysler 77 2 Door convertible sedan. I am sorry that there is not more that I can tell you"

    Does anybody have another idea where I can find help?

    kind regards


  5. hi

    I have contacted Danielle Szostak-Viers at chryslerheritage.com. I asked for the build card of my car, The answer was:

    " Unfortunately, I was unable to find a build card for your vehicle. The build cards were stored on microfilm. Your build card was missing from the reel. The build card would of had the body number on it.

    I am sorry that I am unable to assist you. "

    I also try with a volunteer and the answer from Danielle was:

    "Unfortunately, I was unable to find a volunteer here at the archives to give me a 100% answer on what your vehicle is. One volunteer said he believes it’s a 1930 Chrysler 77 2 Door convertible sedan. I am sorry that there is not more that I can tell you"

    Does anybody have another idea where I can find help?

    kind regards


  6. Hi:

    I´m looking for help to identify the body of my car. I have an original invoice from the local dealer that has the following numbers.

    Engine W 12721

    body is c 108 dw

    I´m not sure if the invoice is from the car I have ( past onwer told me that it is, but I´m not sure)

    Car now has inother engine, the number is W19248.

    Wheelbase is 124.5 inches.

    Does anybody can Identify the car by the engine number?

    Take a look to the pictures,, I can send better photos if you send me your email by PM

    I have also post this on http://forums.aaca.org/f145/chrysler-1930-serie-77-identification-help-275688.html#post724876

    Kind regards to all

    Ignacio<!-- google_ad_section_end -->



  7. hi everybody,

    28 chrysler, are you saying that the correct engine number for my car will be w11719?

    In the original invoice from the locar dealer the numbers are Engine W 12721 and

    body is c 108 dw. car now has another engine, maybe somebody swap another 77 engine on the car time ago.

    I have looked today, and there is no ID tag, no number on the right frame near the cowl and can´t find the serial number stamped on the rear left frame, I don´t have to much time today, but I will look better on saturday. Where exactly the serial number will be?.

    I went to hershey this year and there I met Paul ( the owner and restorer of the 1930 77 yellow/black locke phaeton), I showed him my pictures and he told me that the molding on my car was very typical on locke bodys, does somebody knows anything about?

    Martin, I have sent 2 emails to the Chrysler Historical Historical Museum asking to buy the build card of my car, but I have not get any response. Do you have the name and email of the person that sell it yo you? I have write 2 times to archives@wpchryslermuseum.org

  8. hi F&J

    as you said the invoice talks about a chassis, but also about a body ( "carroceria" is body in spanish) the invoice talks about body D 108 DW, Now this number is a correct number for 1930 serie 77 as you can see on kaiser31 post ( the second on this page).

    As for the hood, I went hershey this year and meet some people who told me that 1930 chrysler use the hood I have and the one with "pennant" shaped louvers that you said ( I showed them pictures of my car).

    Why do you say that the doors and rear parts are not chrysler stamped?

    Do you know something about the chryslerheritage.com build cards? I have sent them emails but have not answer from them.

    I agree with you that the coachwork is very old. When I bought the car the past owner has some very old pictures of his family and the car, unfortunately he did not allow me to take copies of those pictures.

    I have another invoice from november 1931 when the car was sold to the second owner, There is detailed the car, the top and 4 spare tires.

    If somebody can decode the serial number ( c108dw) we can know if the car came to Chile only as a chassis, but I think basing on the 1930 and 1931 invoices that the car arrive Chile as a complete car ( chassis and body).



  9. Hello everybody,

    thanks for your coments.

    F&J, the car was sold new in Chile on may 15 1930 by the local Chrysler dealer.

    There is no body tag, or body maker name.

    The only thing I have is the invoice that the past owner gave me. In that invoice appears the following numbers:

    Engine W 12721

    body is c 108 dw

    Cas has now W19248 engine.

    If you send me your email I can send you a full set of photos with better resolution.

    kind regards


  10. Hi:

    I´m looking for help to identify the body of my car. I have an original invoice from the local dealer that has the following numbers.

    Engine W 12721

    body is c 108 dw

    I´m not sure if the invoice is from the car I have ( past onwer told me that it is, but I´m not sure)

    Car now has inother engine, the number is W19248.

    Wheelbase is 124.5 inches.

    Does anybody can Identify the car by the engine number?

    Take a look to the pictures,, I can send better photos if you send me your email by PM

    Kind regards to all




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