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Please H-E-L-P Quickly !


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Yikes! I sure hope someone is online who can help me with this right now. I am at work and need to go home, but my doors won't close! I have a '91 Coupe.

This morning, I unlocked my car with the remote, got in, and drove to work fine. But when I got out of the car at work and went to shut my door, it wouldn't shut. It just bangs up against the catch on the door jam. A friend at work was going to "help" me by looking at the passenger door and seeing the difference, but he ended up making the passenger door like the driver's door so now neither will close!

It seems that years and years ago, with my first Reatta, I had the same problem but I don't recall how I solved it. The locks still appear to be working (they go up and down when pushed). I have checked the fuses and all seem to be OK. And, in typical female fashion, I sprayed lots of WD-40 onto the latch in case it was stuck. (our answer for everything...)

Is there someone "listening" who can tell me what to do so I can get the doors to close properly and get home? I sure hope so!


Lynne <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

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Guest F14CRAZY

Sorry I can't say much. I haven't ever heard of this problem.

In desperation, I would work the inside and outside door handles vigorously, though I think you already did.

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the door post has a pin on it the the locking mech. lockes like a horse shoe wraping around the pin. If you open the door lift up on the outside door handle, while taking a screwdriver or such into where the rod would catch then pull away from the door as thought you are opening it, as it sounds like the catch is latched in the closed position now..

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Grasping at straws here.

Lock and unlock with key. Then try to close.

I think the problem is at the striker pin.

The large pin sticking out of the door frame. It fits into a "doo dad thing mee" (technical term NOT!) it rotates and I believe that it is rotated to the locked position. Try lifting the outside handle and rotating the part the striker pin fits into at the same time. I can do it in a fraction of the time it takes to poorly describe how to do it.

good luck.

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Guest Kitskaboodle

There seem to be a lot of cars that have this problem. Even our company Ford Taurus wagon does the exact same thing. Also, I've had this happen on my Fiero many times.....

Kit / 90 Reatta Coupe

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