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If you like looking at pictures of cars, then take a look at what I just added to the Past Events page of the Wisconsin Region's website: http://local.aaca.org/wisconsin/past_events.htm

On August 28th, we went to an invitational car show down at the lakefront in Milwaukee. There were 120 cars registered and 115 on site. The showfield was spacious and you had ample time and space to really see all these unique specimens. And if you look closely, you'll see the Calatrava and other Milwaukee landmarks in the background. I'm told this show might become an annual event. I'll keep you posted.

The pictures for the Villa Luna event are included for the garden lovers. We were asked to park our '37 Buick in front of a small mansion (is that an oxymoron?) near the Milwaukee lakefront; in return, our family was invited to attend the fund-raising event. I think we got the better end of the deal. The grounds were recently re-landscaped and they are wonderful. Too bad the tram wasn't working, though--there are 108 steps between the upper and lower levels. crazy.gif

Jan K.

Wis Region

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