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aaca jan/feb magazine?


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Novaman: Next time you get a chance, ask any postal worker and all they do is complain about rushing, stress, etc. Also, stay away from the loading docks or you could get shot. Postal loading docks are one hazardous place to work.<P>(And they are going to raise the rates again next year! Go figure.)

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heizmann: With most of the postal people here I'm probably safe. They'd be aimming with the wrong end of the barrel. wink.gif<P>Heck they can't tell the difference between 2 street numbers(names) and north and south. I guess sometimes all they look at is the house number and find one that matches and call it delivered.

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This may come as a major surprise to many, but my postal guys here in Cheyenne are great. I keep a post office box for important mail and the guys at that branch really care. They know me by name and mail with an error in the address still makes it to my box. When the box fills up and my son wanders in, they ask him, "Is your dad out of town?" Since I pick up daily the answer is "yes", and so they put it and all future mail in a box and hold it for my return. I changed box #s 6 years ago and mail addressed to the old # still finds its way to my box instead of being returned to sender. cool.gif There are many other niceties about these folks which I will not go into.<P>Of course after dealing with the post offices in Baltimore and surrounding areas for 50+ years, this is like going back in postal time to before WW II. smile.gifsmile.gif<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 02-20-2001).]

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Yesterday (Feb. 23) the Post Office I guess finally gave up on holding my copy hostage. So the people in the Burlington, NC area should be getting their's today or Mon. I spoke with the wife of our VP of judges training (hope I got the office correct) on Thurs. and they still did not have theirs.<P>Returned card for the Tour in NY first thing this morning AT the Post Office.

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Yesterday I was kidding with my guys at the post office about the quality of the delivery of our magazines in different parts of the country. They said to be careful what we say about those postal folks on the forum because some of them MIGHT be old car guys and looking in. rolleyes.gif <P>One of our guys is and does. shocked.gif<P>They suggested that if some of us are too unkind in our remarks, we may NEVER see the magazine. shocked.gif<P>All said in the spirit of good fun, I assure you. grin.gif<P>hvs<P>

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