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Packard vs Hash oil pumps


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The Packard V-8 and Hudson/Nash (Hash) varient oil pumps are a apparently alot different! In his thread "I hate Mickey Mouse, And why.", Eric (turboPackman) posted a telling picture of his 320 Hash oil pump bolted to his 374 block. I thought that it looked a lot different than the standard Packard oil pump, the most obvious being the clocking. So, I took a picture of my Panther pump (left) in the same orientation (but on a desk) and pasted Eric's Hash pump (right) in the same picture for side-by-side comparison:


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In his thread, Eric wondered if the Hash oil pump would fit in the Packard oil pan. For fitment purposes, the Packard oil pump "forward" dimension is 8-3/4" as measured from the plane of the rear main cap vertical surface. I.e., this distance above the desk top in the picture.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest imported_PackardV8

"Now, I've heard the term "cavitation" used in this situation (even applied it myself), but I don't think I fully understand the full extent of that term."

The open port pump has a BIG cavity HIGH on the dump side of the port. The Plugged pump has NO cavity at all.

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  • 4 months later...

Happy holidays, all,

Am working on re-manning and modifying the Packard V8 oil pumps. Have gotten modifications worked out for the first design, which externally vents overpressure oil. However, from what I have read, the second design, the one which recycles overpressure oil internally instead of dumping it out into the pan, is the way to go. Anyone out there have a good, ore even a core second design Packard or Hash oil pump for sale?

thnx, jv.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">(snip) However, from what I have read, the second design, the one which recycles overpressure oil internally instead of dumping it out into the pan, is the way to go.(snip)</div></div>

IMO, the 2nd design is capable of pumping [color:"red"] slightly more oil than the 1st design because of the the recycle feature. [color:"red"] BUT, the major deficiency of any Packard or HASH oil pump is the 10 shallow tooth gears rather than the 7 deep tooth gears of the (for example) Olds HD pump.

The best solution is to adapt the Olds HD oil pump, which we'll be doing soon.

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Guest imported_PackardV8

Jack Vines wrote: "However, from what I have read, the second design, the one which recycles overpressure oil internally instead of dumping it out into the pan, is ... "

BOTH, ALL and EVERY 55-56 Packard V8 oil pump that i know of recirculates the overpressure oil INSIDE the pump and there are no such 55-56 Packard V8 oil pumps that dump to the pan. This is withOUT regard to pressure relief type used wheather early or late. Actually, there are about 4 different styles of the pump. If u have a pump that dumps back to the pan then u have a pump that someone else has customized. Are we talking the ENGINE oil pump or some other pump on the car???

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Guest imported_PackardV8

It's not clear to me what u mean by "Re-man" pumps. If u plan to manufacture NEW pumps then i am guessing that the price would have to be kept UNDER $300.

The HEAVY DUTY Olds pump is NEW (not rebuilt) and is about $50.00. I'm guessing the adapter plate will be about $100 and figure maybe another $75 for tube and screen and shaft for a total of under or at $300. (THESE ARE GUESSES!)

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