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Seat belts

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Here is what I am looking at buying and putting in an original condition 54 Buick. One of my 54's have belts, not sure if they are original, but they are certainly period correct. These are the closest I have found they come in the correct color and the price is reasonable.I'll likely buy some of the roll up thingys from Kanter. Anybody else have any suggestions.

seat belts

any other thoughts will be appreciated

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I just put lap belts in my original condition 50 Packard. The floor mounts are out of sight and if I want to I could shove them behind the seat cushion. They are not era-type but are functional. If was ever of a mind to have someone judge my car for originality- which I'm not- I'd shove them out of sight into the seat cushion. I had seat belts ever since my 63 Volvo and felt naked without them even as little as I drive the car. That's my 2¢


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Guest bkazmer

It depends on the club rules, but some specifically say NOT to deduct for seatbelts or directional signals if done well. I've put in the aircraft type that look more period. Lap belts are pretty unobtrusive.

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