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Aussie needs a hand!


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Hello everyone, quite a nice board you have got here!

I'm looking at my 1st Buick which after giving up on a '53 Skylark convertible has now shifted to a '54 2dr hardtop.

I now have one located, but as Im in Australia, thought I might try this post..

If anyone is close to Greene IA, and dosent mind checking out this car for me please send me a message!

Lol I doubt my chances but worth a try.. just a bit hard for me to travel THAT far.

Thanks in advance wink.gif

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Hi Hemmings motor news or a google search will give you lots of companies in the states who will do vehicle checks for you. These companies are specialised veteran inspection folk, rather than the standard RACV stuff.

I have had a company in Florida do a check for me in the past and it was very thorough including lots of photos and a written report. I was able to request specific close up shots I wanted, and ckecks outside the 150 points they had in the standard test. They organised to have the car delivered to a nearby garage photographed from under, checked for oil leaks....

Given the outlay you will have buying and shipping any car to Australia, I think it is cheap insurance to have a professional check.

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While I did not use this company(I used a Florida co) The link below was one I rang because they had the war cry "any year, anywhere, fast".

Guess I did not mention that anything can be done but at a price. I did have to pay for travel time for the inspector. The car I had inspected was not in a main centre. There was also a small charge for using a nearby garage and hoist.

I did not have any problem getting a 150 point plus check and more than the standard 30 photos, but again it was more expensive than the standard "Quick Look at the kerb" that was offered by a number of sites.


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Hello Aussie: I am the President of the Buick Club of America and live in Iowa about 1 1/2 hours from Greene, Iowa. We have 5 or 6 Hawkeye Chapter members who live 30 to 40 miles from Greene and I am sure someone would be happy to view the car for you. About 2 weeks ago I was through Greene and drove by the area where the car was setting outside. It appeared to be complete, from a distance, and was badly in need of restoration. I do not know what price is asked but would have some ideas and options for you. Send me your email address so we can communicate. You may email me at Brooker50158@hotmail.com

Patrick W. Brooks

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