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question on battery weeping

Jay and Pat

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I need to know why the battery in my '53 Packard wants to weep out of the cell caps. Over a period of about two weeks I loose probably a teaspoonfull of acid, total, of all three cells. This has been going on, to a lesser extent, ever since I had the battery installed three years ago. I'm wondering if it might be the size of the negative cable as it is an OFF THE SHELF ITEM and I've heard some of the guys speak of using (00) welding cable for these six volt cars, is this correct and do you think the smaller cable is my problem??? ANYONE, PLEASE JUMP IN!!!!

LeRaysville Dude, Jay

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Guest imported_Speedster

Leakage usually means that the battery is getting Hot. Which Can be Overcharge but can also be caused by heat from another source. After driving it for a while, touch the battery and Cables and see how Hot they are. If cables are very hot then the cables may be too small or there is a loose connection at one end of cable. (High resistance equals Heat)

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