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Fuel Tank Repair


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The gas tank on my 62 Electra recently started to leak. After inspecting it I discovered the previous owner had applied some sort of epoxy patch on a small hole in the bottom of the tank. After draining the tank and cleaning and sanding the area I'm considering different options. The hole is the size of a nail head and I really don't want to take the tank off to repair it. Looks like it has never been off of the car and I'm afraid I'll start snapping off bolts. Someone told me a product called JB Weld that is suppose to work on fuel tanks. Has anyone used this product or have any opinions?

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J B Weld may work BUT i would buy a lot of it. My experience is that if there is one leak there will be a lot more. Best take tank down, Only two bolts holding the tank straps, and the fuel connection (s). Have tank professionallly resealed and no more worries.

Jim Schilf


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Guest imported_NikeAjax

It works exceptionally well! Make sure that the area you apply it to is clean, shiny, metal. Also have a metal backing for it, to give it strength; fiberglass will work too. I?ve had mine on for over five years and still as solid as the day after I put it on; let it cure!


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Guest imported_bjr

I have repaired many tanks with small holes as you described with a soldering iron. I use one of the old big 850 watt or bigger iron's, not a soldering gun as they don't get hot enough. Just sand the area clean to bare metal, apply flux and get it hot enough to flow the solder. Since there is no flame there in no chance of an explosion. I have fixed tanks with this method that still had gas in them, and the leak was above the gas level. Good luck, Brian

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