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Question for Karel


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rolf

Yeah, it's me. It's going very well (and expensive). The car itself is almost done. Still have to get the upholstery done. I just posted to try to find the 2 little chrome pieces that go on the hood. Any suggestions? When it's finished, I'll e-mail you a picture. That is such a beautiful car.

Thanks for thinking of me.


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Was concerned about you after the advent of Charlie, how did you fare with that? There was an article in the club magazine a while back about someone making up stainless for Zephyrs, can't place in my mind the two small trim pieces on a '38, hope you are out of the line of fire, and none of your chads are hanging, take care, Rolf

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Actually I was out of the line of fire for Charlie. Not so lucky with Frances. I'm in Melbourne. At least I did move off the beach. I'm in Georgia at the moment at my son's house. I didn't bring the Lincoln with me but it should be safe. The shop it's in was built to Miami hurricane standards - to withstand 140mph winds. At lease I hope it's safe. Sure is looking beautiful.

Thanks for caring.


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