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Leveling system ?


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I've become interested in the Exec,too, which was apparently produced just because the Packard marketing folks thought there was a niche they were missing. Personally, I think they had bigger things to worry about then.

But, luckily, it produced a pretty neat car with distinctive trim and the senior front/junior back, which has some appeal.

The link I posted to the "flamed" flat black car goes to the Carnut site, and it IS listed there as a '56 Executive. Who knows, it may be part Clipper, part Exec and part Houndog. But the dashboard, I think, is a senior style like the Exec, because it displays the Packard script. I'm more familiar with the '55 dashboards, and I know that the senior had the Packard name (and a "V" symbol) and the Clipper did not. That's why I'm guessing the flat black flamer is actually an Exec. I can see where someone would want to hot-rod that model, because it's lighter and shorter than a senior, a 2-door, and has the '56 Clipper tail-lights that were so popular on rods--already attached!

I'd like to find out if the car in question still has Packard power or if they stuck some small-block abomination in there.<img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> Probably never know...

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