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February 28 meet in Florida


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I noted on calendar that there is a Classic meet in Florida on February 29 - it says "Gold Coast Region" but no city is given. Where can I get more details - in the magazine? I may finally get up the courage to bring my 1394 Rolls Royce and want to begin to make plans. Also, any "downside" to putting it into judging (Touring) on "first time out"? I've been to RROC meets and enjoy the judging process as it gives me "target" for next steps in restoration process. Would drive it to meet from Charlotte, NC. As far as I know this car has never been at any CCCA meet before. I am CCCA member, but have never attended any CCCA event before.

Ed Albert

Charlotte, NC

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Will spectators be welcome at this event, or is it members only?

I'm going to be in FL then and if it's open to spectators I might be able to get there.


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Guest Chuck Conrad

The February 29 Grand Classic will be held at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel in Palm Beach. At least, that?s the host hotel. I?m not sure where the judging field will be. Specifics, including a list of activities etc. will be in the next CCCA Bulletin.

We?re always happy to have other car enthusiasts see our cars, and get to know us. Sometimes that is easy to do, sometimes it?s not. Frequently our Grand Classics are held on private grounds that actually charge the Club an admission charge based on the amount of people who attend. Situations like that make it difficult to invite other car buffs. On the other hand, when it?s held in a lot adjacent to a hotel, or some other public location, it?s no problem at all. We?d love to see you. I don?t know what the situation is with this one, but I?ll find out.

If you like, you can email me privately, and I will give you contact information for the Area Coordinator, who can answer your questions. You can reach me at chuxgarage@aol.com

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Guest Chuck Conrad

I just spoke with Dick Roach, who is the Area Coordinator for the Florida Grand Classic. The judging event will be in a parking lot adjacent to the hotel. Other car enthusiasts are more than welcome to come and see the cars. The show field will be open from 10:00 AM until about 2:00 PM. Please extend our invitation to other car clubs in the area. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Of course, if you wanted to attend the Awards Banquet or any of the other activities that have an admission charge, you would need to register and pay the appropriate fees. To do that, you?d also need to be a CCCA member, but we?d be happy to sign you up!

So come on down and see some great cars... <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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Guest Chuck Conrad

I almost forgot. The only downside of entering your Rolls in Touring Class is it might be too good! If the car scores over 93 points, it becomes ?overqualified.? You might want to make a copy of the judging form (you?ll find it in your Members Handbook and Roster) and try judging the car yourself. If it looks like it might do well, you could consider entering it into a Primary Class. It takes a minimum of 85 points to get a Third Place in Primary Class. Touring Class minimum for a Third Place is 66 points.

CCCA Judging is weighted to stress authenticity. We like our cars the way they were delivered to the original owner (or at least, the way they could have been delivered). Some cars don?t do very well due to authenticity issues, even though they look very nice. It?s always a good idea to read the Judging Rules before you enter your car, so you will know what the judges are looking for.

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I suspect, Chuck, that were the participant interested in awards, he or she would have thought of that on the question during restoration. I know I did, and chose usability and cost over authenticity, at least the strict application of it. My interior would lose me many many points.

However, I would love to show it off because it is still all an original car (except for paint and interior) which is in very good running shape. Maybe someday ...

Wouldn't it be fun to drive from Colorado to Florida in the '47 for the show??? It could happen!

<img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Guest Chuck Conrad

I think you should seriously think about driving the car to Florida. You can always show it in Touring Class, or maybe even in the Original Car Class. If neither of those fit, why not enter it as an Exhibitiom Car? It won't be judged, but it will still be on display and you'll get the chance to meet a lot of other car folks.

I actually prefer Exhibition for my cars. Mine aren't all that great to begin with. There is absolutely no pressure in Exhibition, and you don't have to hang around waiting for the judges to come by. This lets me spend a lot more time kicking tires and hanging around the Hospitality Room.

Of course, everyone's definition of "fun" may be different. That's why we have a variety of ways to show your car.

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Thanks very much for the information.

I'm a bit confused though. Is this a two day event? I ask because on the CCCA website this event is listed for February 28, 2004. But this thread refers to both the 28th and the 29th. Right now, I'm assuming it is a two day event, with the judging on Sunday the 29th.

I'll be in Orlando that weekend for an internet related conference which ends on the 28th, so I'm hoping this event, or the judging portion, is on the 29th. If it is, and given the time frame I have available, Orlando appears to be a comfortable driving distance from Palm Beach, I'll try hard to get down there.

Which would be the highlight of my break from the long midwestern winter here in MN.

Thanks again for the information.

ken bogren

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Guest Chuck Conrad

The actual judging (car show) is on Saturday. I do not know the specifics of this particular event, but usually, there are "early bird" events on Friday afternoon and evening. Saturday is the show, followed by an awards Banquet. Sunday morning is usually just a "farewell breakfast" so people have time to drive home.

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