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Air Intake Tube End Seals

Guest Mr. Solutions

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Guest Mr. Solutions


Considering the amount of effort it was to remove the staples that attached the seals on my tubes, and considering that I have bought replacements, is there an easier way to attach them?

I was thinking about contact cement or something like that. Doing so with staples present a problem, because how will I get them as tight / snug fitting as the originals etc etc. Your thoughts please.


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I did this with 49 Buick, when replacing the fresh air intake hose. If your car is a nice driver you can use a silicone sealer or adhesive, If you are restoring for show, take the old staples, push them through the material and flatten them down then use an adhesive to install. Will look just like original, and nobody will know (but us ).

Jim Schilf


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