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Larry Schramm

Larry Schramm

4 minutes ago, ABear said:

As an alternate, I do have a flatbed trailer large enough to handle hauling my vehicles if push comes to shove.


That is true if you are close to home.  If you are a long way from home, it might be a different story.  I like you also have a flatbed trailer but I also have AAA plus Rv which will tow up to 100 miles and it covers all of our cars as long as it is licensed. 


Having AAA is cheaper than paying for towing on each of the cars insurance policies.

Larry Schramm

Larry Schramm

2 minutes ago, ABear said:

As an alternate, I do have a flatbed trailer large enough to handle hauling my vehicles if push comes to shove.


That is true if you are close to home.  If you are a long way from home, it might be a different story.  I like you also have a flatbed trailer but I also have AAA plus Rv which will tow up to 100 miles.

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