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Looking for Model A or T for 5K or less


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Hi, I am looking for a Model T or A, the older the better, in running condition, ready for a good coat of paint and maybe in need of a little interior work. I am trying to add to my carriage tour business by adding tours in our historic town via Model T or A so the car I need needs to be able to haul more than just a driver and a passenger. I'm thinking a Toudor or a Touring car or a Depot Hack. Anybody have anything?

Email me @ thomashawk@arkansas.net

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Not at that price. If the car is going to be used for your business, spend a little more money, put your business name on the car, and with the help of a good accountant, fix the car up and write it off on your taxes as a business expense. I know two oil companies in my area that bought and restored antique oil trucks and put their business name on their trucks and wrote the whole restoration and purchase price off on their taxes as a means of advertising. Wether or not my suggestions is permissible, I'm not an accountant, but like I said, I know of two companies that did this and it worked.

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Yup, already had all those ideas in mind.

I just don't have $15 to $30 THOUSAND that some people want for a fully restored vehicle.

I just want one that runs and is solid.

I have already found a few in the $5k price range, some UNDER $5k that run and need paint/apolstrey work, I just want to check the field before I commit to one that I will be with for the next 10 years or more.


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I guess what you need to do is think about what your intentions are. Although 15-30 thousand seems like a lot (it is), it may not be if you buy a car and decide to restore it. My father and I restored a '37 Plymouth pickup and we put over $12,000 in it. In our case, we got the truck for $400, and it is worth more than what we have in it when, but we also did everything ourselves. We know that to hire the job that we did ourselves, it would've easily topped $20,000, and that is being on the conservative side. To buy a Model 'A' and pay someone to do a restoration on a car that is already paid for, it would run you another 15-30 thousand to do a good restoration. So for 15-30 thousand for a restored Model 'A' isn't that bad if the car was done right.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to sharpshoot you, but you could pay $5,000 for a car and in a month be paying a couple thousand more to rebuild an engine and before you know it have more money in that than you would if you had paid the price up front and had something already finished. At least in your case, if you don't plan on going wild on your restoration, you won't be upset if someone puts a scratch in it. WELCOME TO THE OLD CAR HOBBY!! It is a terrible addiction, but it is a lot of fun too.

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If you have not bought all of those "few" that you found, please let me know, I'd like one too if they are still out there. Post some form of contact info or email me.

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